There are seven areas (also known as mountains) that shape human existence and living. These mountains directly influence everything about humans and if believers begin to get God’s wisdom and work in these areas, they get to directly influence people and transform nations, institutions, and territories with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In the first two parts of “The seven mountains of Influence”, we looked into the seven mountains and briefly discussed them. You can read both parts here.

Read: The Seven Mountains Of Influence Part 1

Read: The Seven Mountains Of Influence Part 2

However, we realize that beyond these seven known and established mountains of influence, there are other crucial areas and spheres of influence that affect lives which were not directly captured in these seven mountains below.

1 The Mountain of Family (The foundation)
2 The Mountain of Education (Building mindsets)
3 The Mountain of Politics and Governance
4 The Mountain of Media (Influence, mind and control systems)
5 The Mountain of Arts & Entertainment
6 The Mountain of Religion
7 The Mountain of Economy and Business

Thus, we shall be exploring other mountains of influence and looking at the ways believers can affect lives and territories positively for Christ through them.

Today, we shall be exploring the Mountain of Health.

Health is a broad subject that entails so much and requires a lot. Health is important because our well-being as humans depends on it. Without a physical body, it is impossible for any human to function on earth. This means that no matter how powerful and anointed you are, without health, you’re limited.

However, there’s so much more to health beyond just physical health. There are three sides that make the health triangle and contribute to overall health: Physical Health, Mental Health and Social Health.

Some may even argue that there are more dimensions to health than these three. However these three capture all the major dimensions of health.

The mountain of health is a sensitive one that believers trained and skilled in must rise to furnish.

Doctors, nurses and health workers must rise in this mountain and receive grace from God to be diligent in their work and to minister the life of God to their patients even as they use secular medicine.

Therapists and psychologists who attend to mental health must commit to getting professionally trained and contend for the wisdom and strategy that comes from God to surmount the challenge of mental health. Everything we do stems from our minds. (Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”)

The enemy has inflicted and attacked the minds of many people especially the youth with all forms of devastating mental health issues. Diseases ranging from depression disorder, anxiety disorder, dementia, autism, schizophrenia and more. It is alarming how common mental health disorders have become in these times making many people unable to enjoy the sound mind given to them by God.

Mental health issues have been used as tools by the enemy to push people into things like atheism, sexual disorders, and other satanic acts.

We as children of light must rise up with the necessary knowledge, skills, and professionalism in the mountain of health to heal people medically and with the love of God.

We must all roll up our sleeves, and get to work for Jesus.

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  1. May.the.Almighty God the creator of Heaven and earth empower us and give us humility to ropose al l kind of cknesses and disease and free us fromall diseases in IJ PN Amen Holy spirit have his way in my life IJN Hallelujah

  2. Oh Lord this is my time for favour ,for grace on the mountain mouof God to rise and shine In the Name of JESUS I will arise nd shine on the mountain of God Hallelujah

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