MEMORY VERSE: “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase”. — Daniel 12:4 (NKJV)

BIBLE PASSAGE: Colossians 4:5-6

INTRODUCTION : Hundreds of millions of people are becoming increasingly interested in social media networking sites to enjoy and maximise the relational opportunities of these sites. Are these networking sites the next big mission field or an enormous waste of time? Should a Christian participate in social networking? The answer to these questions should be determined by whether we can honestly ask God to bless and use our actions for His own good purposes (1Corinthians 10:31).


Today’s devotional: Open Heaven 29 May 2022

Powerful DeclarationsPowerful Declarations For Today 29 May 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 29 May 2022




A. Teacher should ask the students to share their knowledge on the concept of social media. He/she should then highlights some concepts of social media as follows:

i. Social media are web- technologies that facilitate the sharing of ideas, thought and information through the building of virtual *networks* and communities.

ii. Social media is internet-based and gives users quick electronic communication of content i.e. user-generated content

iii. Social media websites and applications are such that enable users create and share content or to participate in social networking.

iv. A social networking service is an online platform which people use to build social networks or social relationships with other people who share similar personal, business or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.

B. Teacher should allow students mention some social media handles they know. The following commonly used social media sites/handles should be mentioned

i. YouTube, ii. Facebook, iii. Instagram, iv. Quora, v. TikTok, vi. Facebook messenger, vii. Pinterest, viii. Viber, ix. Discord, x.Twitter xi. WhatsApp, xii. LinkedIn, xiii. Google+, xiv. Telegram, xv. SKYPE, xvi. QQ, xvii. Tumblr, xviii. Reddit, xix. Snapchat, xx. zoom and other professional/business platforms.


Teacher should allow the students express their views on the advantages and disadvantage of using social media

Some of the advantages are:

i. *Propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ:* The potential of the social media can be harassed for the propagation, expansion and growth of the gospel (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14).

ii. *Corporate engagements:* Social media can help improve individual’s sense of reasoning with real or online communities and be an effective communication (or marketing) tool for corporations, enterpreneurs, profit and non-profit making organisations, is advocacy groups, political parties, government sectors etc.

iii. *Building of relationships:* Families, friends, associates etc, can easily connect and reconnect for meaningful relationship (Proverbs 18:24)

iv. *Social media influencers:* These are social media users who have an established credibility and audience, who can persuade others by virtue of their trust-worthiness and authenticity. You can become a great influencer for God through the social media (1Timothy 4:12; 2Timothy 2 1-2; Titus 2:7). souls can be won and discipled through you as you showcase Christ and the kingdom virtues to the word.

v. *Ease of doing business:* Products and services can be advertised or marketed real-time. It gives the opportunity to create a sales funnel whereby a new contacts become potential/serious customers (Proverbs 22:29)

Some of the disadvantages are:

i. Uncontrolled/untamed Posts (pictures, video, captions, etc,) *Proverbs 18:2; Colossians 4:6*. The consequence of any statements, both now and in the future, should be considered. It should be assumed that everything written or said is permanent and viewable by everyone (Proverbs 21:23)

ii. *Treating the Bible as irrelevant* or archaic in relation to modern trends and technologies.

iii. *Spreading of heretical* teachings and half truth

iv. *Playing down the God-factor* as social media influencer for the sake of retaining followers from all walks of Life (Romans 1:28).

v. *Self-isolation.* Avoiding physical meetings or interaction while using the social media as a disguise to engage in some unethical activities/behaviour

vi. *Social media addictions* (Galatians 5:1): Limiting the amount of time (expect for business purpose) we devote to these social networking site is both healthy and wise

vii. *Attention deficiency syndrome* i.e. inability to concentrate on a task or programme for a specific without diverting to the social media

viii. *Physical disconnection among close relatives.* Family members living together can even become familiar strangers

ix. *Vanity metrics*. Relying on the response from other through likes and comments to your post in judging your self-worth or important

x. *Activities of scammers* and fraudsters

xi. *Narcissism*. Excessive self-love or self-importance emerges when we rely on social media sites primarily to promote ourselves or draw attention to ourselves

The social media is a great tool for both self-development and propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, caution should be taken to avoid addiction

Be discipline in the use of the social media. It is also wise to have accountability partners: encourage your spouse, family members and Christian brothers/sisters to view your social networking activities and hold you accountable (Proverbs 27:17).



MEMORY VERSE: “The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head.”– Proverbs 20:29


Youthful stage is the period of human life between childhood and full adulthood. It is the state of being young. This is the period of human life in which everyone can exercise strength to the fullness of their capacity. The way you live your life as a youth will determine what will become of you at old age. In *Ecclesiastes 12:1*, the Bible says “Remember now your creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say “I have no pleasure in them.”



A. Glorious youths are not common people because they use their strength to achieve great results in their time.

B. The word STRENGTH goes beyond physical power and emotional toughness.

i. It is the totality of raw potentials given by God to fulfill specific purpose or to perform an assignment on earth (Jeremiah 1:5).

ii. This *strength* brings out the *GLORY* in a youth (1Samuel 16:18).

iii.Your potentials and your strengths in life.

iv. If you want to soar higher in life, you must identify your potential and build your strength on it.

C. *Characteristics of glorious youths*

1. Glorious youths are people who are willing to learn and act on what they have been taught (2Timothy 2:1-2).

2. They have big dreams which they pursue relentlessly until they are fulfilled (Genesis 42:9).

3. They are zealous and use their zeal creatively for the peace and progress of their nation (1 Samuel 17:32).

4. They are people of great reputation (Genesis 39:9).

5. Glorious youths are very creative and innovative in their chosen career (2Chronicles 2:14).

D. *Biblical examples of glorious youths*

Youths in the Bible days did exploits and records of their works are noted for us to emulate today. Some of them include:

i. Joseph (Genesis 41:38-4 6),
ii.David (1Samuel 17:19-37),
iii. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3:16-18)
iv. Mary, (Luke 1:27-28)
v. Timothy, (2Timothy 1:2-5)
vi. Jesus (Luke 2:42-52).

E. These are examples of young people who did not wait until they were all grown up to serve God.

i. They were not the future.

ii. They were the presents.

iii. They made a huge impact in the world in their youth.

F. By the standard of the Bible,

i. Christian youths are spiritually endowed to take the lead and subdue nations for Christ anywhere they find themselves in the world.

ii. Youths are to be in the fore front of revolutions (both physical and spiritual) in the time and age.

iii. Youths are to take control of every sector of leadership and economy of the world.

iv. Christian youths need to behave like children of Issachar, who understood the time and season.


A. The major prerequisite to serve God effectively in your youthful age is to give your life to Christ with no reservation.

B. There are many areas of strength that every youth must harness and maximize for Kingdom profitability. Here are some of them:

1. *Speech:* Talk in a way that honours God (Ephesians 4:25-29). Stop telling lies: only use words that are true because God is truthful (Colossians 4:6). Use words that are gentle (Proverbs 15:1). Gentleness means to remain calm and kind, even when you are angry. Do not shout or use harsh words. Use word that are pure. No cursing or use of dirty words. Use words that are loving. Do not hurt people with your words nor talk about them behind their back. Use your words to encourage, teach, comfort, give good advice and build them up in the way of the lord (Ephesians 4:29).

2. *Life:* Imitate Christ with your action (1John 2:6). Read your Bible everyday so that you can learn what Christ is like. You cannot act like Christ if you do not know what he is like. Obey God’s word whenever you read the Bible. Also, in every situation of Life, ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?”, and then do it.

3. *Love:* Do everything with love. Being a Christian is all about love. Jesus said the greatest commandment is love (Matthew 22:37-40; 1Corinthians 14:1; 1Corinthians 16:14). Let Love be your highest goal. If you want to serve God in your youth, then, do everything with love. Make your life all about love (John 3:16).

4. *Faith:* Have unwavering confidence in God. Faith is confidence in God, that he is who he says he is and will do what he says he will do (Hebrews 11:1). The best and perhaps the only way to set an example of unwavering faith is in the face of trials. Trials are faith tests. When the storms of Life hit. Do not doubt God. Do not get angry with him (Romans 8:28).

5. *Purity:* Strive for total sexual purity. God’s will for our sexuality is to keep all sexual activities in marriage-visual, mental, emotional, and physical. This applies to single people and married people (1Thessalonians 4:35; Romans 12:1-2).

God has special interest in the youths and He wants their impact noticed here on earth. You need to discover your strength for the expansion of God’s kingdom and for your dominion.

God wants you to serve him in your youth by duly committing yourself to him (Proverbs 3:5-8). Do not wait for adulthood. Rather, begin right. The best way to start serving God is by setting an example for others to follow. Be an exemplary Christian. Set an example of a fully-devoted Christian, and God will use you in a mighty way.



MEMORY VERSE: “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”. — Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV)


Marriage is the intimate union or legal relationship between a husband and wife that should last for a lifetime (Genesis 2:21-23). distance taken before going into this journey are very important to prevent pitfalls knowing God’s will there you do not have to rely on god willing feelings and strange rituals as a child of God will have his word is spirit with angel and his minister to guide and counsel you



A. Marriage is a creation of God. It is what started from him (Genesis 2:18). Hence,

i. God will only guide his own (Jeremiah 10:23).

ii. He will not play a guessing game with his people (1Corinthians 14:33).

iii. He wants us to know and do is real and is actively involved in revealing it.

B. Therefore, before seeking God’s will for marriage, develop a relationship with him. (psalm 119:130; psalm 119:105). You must:

i. Not live your life in fear but in fellowship with God (2Timothy 1:7).

ii. Develop your god-given gift and master our God games with or guide your steps (psalm 85:8; psalm 37:23).

iii. Discover your purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. (John 18:37).This will reduce stress give your life meaning and prepare you for insanity (2Peter 1:3-4).

iv. Be found working in his will (vineyard) like Adam and have a source of income (Genesis 15:18) because marriage is not for lazy people.


God does not want his children to be joined with unbelievers (2Corinthians 6:14-16; 1Corinthians 6:15-17). How then do we recognise God’s will in marriage?

1. Through the word of god (Proverbs 3:5-7). God has placed his word in our hand so we we could have a more objective set of guidelines to follow than dreams, feeling and impulses. Despite your dreams conviction, pray to have spiritual backing (Proverbs 18:22; Genesis 2:22; Proverbs 19:14).

2. God will work in you and do is we’ll even use circumstances and situations to perfect his will for your life (Romans 8:28; philippian 2:12-13). You must, therefore, remain sensitive; paying attention to those he opens and close to direct your paths.

3. Through the council of elders or spiritual heads in the church psalm 1:1; Proverbs 19:21; Proverbs 11:14: Proverbs 15:22; acts 1:24; Titus 2:3-5). Do not let passion for sex, peer/parental pressure, age, poverty etc, influence your instant decision. At such sensitive moment, do not despise godly counsel from spiritual heads (Proverbs 14:29b; Isaiah 52:12).

4. The environment’s you are and the friends you keep may also influence your choice. Therefore, keep company e with only believers of like passion (1Corinthians 15:33).

5. Pray fervently. You need to keep the channel of communication with God open, especially by praying without ceasing. This will key you to the mind of God concerning who and when to marry (1Corinthians 29:11).

God is still in the business of leading His people (Psalm 23:2). Knowing the will of God for our lives keeps us safe from future troubles. He does not want His children to be joined with unbelievers

Let God lead you and a choice of your marriage partner



MEMORY VERSE: “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;”. — Titus 2:12


Lust is any strong ungodly desire. Lust acted upon always leads to sin and death (James 1:15). Sin entered God’s perfect world through lust (Genesis 2:16-17). David lusted-after Bathsheba (Uriah’s wife) and when he acted upon that lust, its led to adultery, murder of Uriah and the deaths of his infant son that resulted from the sinful act (2Samuel 11:2-4, 14-15; 2Samuel 12:13-14). Lust can take various dimensions but God has empowered us to overcome lustful thoughts.



A. Lust is not only of sexual nature (Matthew 5:28).

i. Greed is lust for money or power (Proverbs 15:27; 1Timothy 6:10-11).

ii. Envy is lust for the status or position someone else holds (Proverbs 23:17).

iii. covetousness is lust for anything we do not have (Exodus 20:17).

iv. Worldliness is lust for the mundane and ephemeral things of this world system (1John 2:15-17).

B. It is important to note the following fact about Lust.

i. Lust starts with a thought (Proverbs 30:32).

ii. While we are not responsible for every thought that enters our heads, we are responsible for what we do with those thoughts (Ezekiel 38:10; Proverbs 24:9).

iii. A lustful thoughts must be seen as an enemy and dealt with before it takes over our lives (James 1:14-15).

iv. The desire grows until it create dissatisfaction with our current situation and imposes upon us the belief that happiness and contentment are impossible unless we have what we want (1Timothy 6:6).

v. The scripture admonishes youths to flee from all dimensions of Lust (2Timothy 2:22; 1Corinthians 6:18).

C. Ungodly actions results from Lustful thoughts, so, it is important that we get rid of such thought as soon as they arrive.


A. To get rid of lustful thoughts, we must:

1. Define your areas of weakness and greatest temptation.

2. Consciously replace lustful thoughts with thoughts that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8).

3. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2Corinthians 10:5).

4. Repent of entertaining lustful thoughts and ask the Lord’s help in redirecting our thought (Psalm 19:14)

B. If the lustful thought we are trying to get rid of involves another person:

i. We can defuse their power by turning those thoughts into prayers for the other person’s well-being.

ii. By bringing that person before the Lord, we weaken lust’s power to objectify him or her (Matthew 26:41).

iii. When we bring our will into agreement with God’s will, we learn to see this person as He does, not as Lust does.

C. Stopping lustful thoughts also requires:

i. filtering the information we are allowing into our minds through our senses (Proverbs 4:23).

ii. Asking the Lord to remove those pornographic images burned into our minds overtime (Psalm 51:7,10).

iii. Refusing to look at things that incite lust, filtering out music or language that create lustful thoughts and banishing lustful memories from our catalogue, we can starve lustful thoughts until they have little to work with (2Timothy 2:21).

D. Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is also a good way to avoid lustful thoughts and renew our minds (Colossians 3:16, Romans 12:1-2; Psalm 119:9,11,105).

E. keeping worship music playing in our ears also focuses our minds on that which is good, pure, and beautiful.

F. As we daily surrender ourselves to the lordship of Christ, He helps transform a sinful thought life into one that pursues Him.

G. Taking authority over lustful thoughts, rejecting them before they take root, and seeking God’s help can give us victory

H. We must resist the lust for things beyond what God has already given us (Numbers 11:4-6) and the Lust of the devil (John 8:44). These includes the lust for power, glory and prestige at all cost (Isaiah 14:13-14).

I. You should rather long for righteousness (2Timothy 2:22), avoid fake lives and lies (Exodus 23:1) or being dishonest (Deuteronomy 25:14-16)

Lust Is an ungodly desire which can come in various dimensions. Therefore, youths should do everything possible to get rid of all forms of lust.

Do not give room for lust to thrive in your life.



MEMORY VERSE: “Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men”. — Proverbs 22:29 (NKJV)


Entrepreneurship has been described as the capacity and willingness to develop, organise and manage a business venture along with any of its risk in order to make a profit. Christian entrepreneurs are needed to live out a Christ-like ethic in the business world. The Bible has many examples of entrepreneurs who in their time exhibited godly characters. It is important to know what should characterise an ideal entrepreneur.



A. There are many biblical entrepreneurs within scripture. For instance

1. Abraham was a prosperous business man trading in livestock, silver and gold (Genesis 13:1-3).

2. Isaac was an outstanding farmer that grew mightier than a whole nation (Genesis 26:12-16).

3. Jacob was a creative livestock manager (Genesis 30:31-43).

4. Elisha was a successful farmer before he was called into full time ministry (1Kings 19:19).

5. The Apostle Peter was a commercial fisherman. He was in partnership with his brother Andrew building a fishing business (Matthew 4:18).

6. The Apostle Paul had a tent making business (Acts 18:3).

7. Lydia, the first convert to Christianity in Europe, was a self-employed merchant, selling purple-expensive clothing materials (Acts 16:14-15).

8. Job was a very industrial farmer. The livestock Job had in his Enterprise would have allowed him to launch many business ventures (Job 1:2-3).

B. The epitome of biblical entrepreneurship is the Saviour of humanity, Jesus the Christ.

i. Jesus used his entrepreneurial passion in the social area of life (Acts 10:38). Today, we call this area the “not-for-profit industries”.

ii. Jesus employed his purpose to transform humanity.

iii. Jesus was a change catalyst in the life-transformation industry.


1.*Ability to recognise opportunity:*

i. Enterpreneurs try their hands on opportunities that are by-passed to others. These opportunities may include:

a. meeting the demand that is not currently met,

b. pushing up a product that is much better than what is currently in the market;

c. solving a problem or annoyance that consumer have.

ii. Entrepreneurs recognise opportunities where they are and they utilise them by producing products or rendering service that will fill the vacuum identified.

2.*Desire for independence:* One of the consistent characteristics of an entrepreneur is his desire for independence. What it means is that an entrepreneur would want to:

a. work for himself/herself rather than work for others.

b. Take decision on their own (Proverbs 18:1).

3.*Self-confidence:* There are two characteristics of an entrepreneur that leads him into having self-confidence (1Samuel 17:32-37).

a.*Self-motivation:* Enterpreneurs set their own goals rather than having them set by their bosses. Since these goals are set by entrepreneurs, it means that they will be motivated to achieve those goals.

b.*Self-discipline*. Every entrepreneur should have self-discipline, if not, the business will fail. These are confident people who believe in what they are doing and believe that the job is worth doing.

4.*Willingness to take risk:* Any entrepreneur is a risk taker:

a. they take calculated risks weather formally or informally.

b. Mostly they take risk informally because they make calculation within their brain or what to buy, keep and sell Later.

c. They equally try to figure out the probability of success of their business.

d. Once they are convinced that it is high, they will go into such business.

e. Entrepreneurs are not tired of trying. If they invest in a business and they fail, they can try again or venture into another business so that they can succeed (Proverbs 24:16; Ecclesiastes 11:1).

5.*Constantly learning:* There is always something you do not know and something else that has just been discovered. Both are essential for entrepreneurs.

a. You cannot build a business around something you do not know about.

b. you cannot improve products and services using outdated methods.

c. Entrepreneurs are always on the prowl to learn more about what they do and what they competitors are working on.

Enterpreneurship is running Your business. There are biblical examples of entrepreneurs that Christian van emulate . It is equally important for Christian enterpreneurs to learn and imbibe the characteristics of an ideal entrepreneur.

God wants his children to have Dominion in the business world. Make up your mind to be a godly young entrepreneur. It is only a man that is diligent in his;her business that is permitted to stand before kings and not ordinary men. Be exceptional in your chosen buisness.



MEMORY VERSE: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going”. — Ecclesiastes 9:10


One of the crucial challenges every human faces is the discovery of his purpose for living. When the use of a thing is not known, abuse is usually inevitable. If you do not know what God has prepared you for, you may not be able to operate successfully as an entrepreneur. This is why it is important to find out what exactly it is. God has proposed for your life and acquire the necessary skills for the accomplishment of this divine purpose in the contemporary, complex and competitive world you live in.



A. God is the first entrepreneur (Genesis 1:1-31).

i. The source of all creativity, and the originator of our ability to make something of value out of the raw materials of this world (John 1:3; Hebrews 11:3).

ii. God exposes your purpose through prayer, Bible study, education, trainings, dreams, visions, instincts, inclination, desires, counseling, urging and yearning towards particular areas (Jeremiah 29:11 Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5-6).

B. The entrepreneur process require a lot from a person. It requires them to:

1. Look at the world and see an unmet need, an area of dissatisfaction, or a problem.

2. Visualize a solution, often a solution others belittle. In many cases, this solution requires a completely different approach, something no one else could see (Genesis 41:33-40, 46-57; Genesis 47:13-26).

3 .To create something truly useful, lasting and of value, we must create like God did. The enterprise must serve others, give them value, make life more enjoyable and glorify God (Colossians 3:17).

4. A person that creates purely for himself as a hubby, not a business. When your hobby translate into a business, it’s adds to adds value to others. When the motivation as well as the business is honorable, God delights to bless it (Psalm 37:23).

C. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and having a relationship with him is the prerequisite to discovering God’s purpose for you as an entrepreneur (Isaiah 2:5; 1John 1:7; Ephesians 5:8)


The following are essential skills require from an entrepreneur:

1. *Communication skill*. The ability of the entrepreneur to pass information about the product, its unique selling point, location, price and other relevant information that the customer should be aware of about the product and the company (Colossians 4:6; Ecclesiastes 10:12; Mark 9:50; 1Peter 3:15).

2. *Listening skill.* This is the ability of the entrepreneur to be attentive and respond to the prospective customer’s questions and complaints about the products being introduced to them through personal selling, sales promotion, etc. The salesman must not be aggressive in his approach so that he can successfully close sales. (James 1:19).

3. *Negotiation skill.* This is the ability of the entrepreneur to bargain successfully with the middlemen i.e. wholesaler and retailer about placing orders, in volume/quantity of products, pricing, discounts and other incentives provided by the company with utmost sincerity and proper articulation of its policies on penetration, distribution, and competitive strategies (Luke 14:28; Genesis 21:28-31).

4. *Conflict management skill.* The ability to settle disputes amicably between the company and its customer is another vital skill required from an entrepreneur (Hebrews 12:14).

5. *Problem solving skill.* The entrepreneur to possess the ability to identify, analyse and proffer appropriate solution to various problems encountered in carrying out its selling activities. He must be able to gather relevant information from variable sources, analyse and interpret the information in line with his knowledge about consumer behaviour and purchasing decision process (1Kings 3:16-28).

6. *Interpersonal skill* The entrepreneur must be able to interact with people easily and relate with them because anybody met is a potential customer someday or somewhere. The salesperson must be approachable, cheering, and purposeful (1Samuel 22:1-2).

7. *Time management skill* Proper time management is necessary to differentiate between the extremely urgent tasks and those that can wait. An enterpreneur should use a notebook or whiteboard to prioritise tasks by writing them down (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

8. *Technical skill.* To be in stride with the recent times, enterpreneur show at least have a basic knowledge about the technologies that are to be used (Daniel 9:2).

9. *Managerial skill* Enterpreneurs should have the required skills to manage different people such as clients, employees, co-workers, competitors, etc (Genesis 39:4,9a).

10. *Organising skill:* They should be highly organised and should be able to maintain everything in a format and style (1Chronicles 12:32)

It is important for a Christian youth to discover his/her creative ability like God and acquire essential skills required of an entrepreneur.

Proper use of your skill is a gateway to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Be intentional



MEMORY VERSE: “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity”. – 2Timothy 2:19


While there are many paths to success, not all of them are ethical or recommended for a Christian business owner because the way you define success is probably different from the way a non-believer defines it. To build a successful business, you must know the biblical principles for business success so that you can use them to achieve your business goals to the glory of God



i. *Principle No 1:* *God owns it all:* As a business owner, it is easy to think you are the boss and everything you owns belongs to you. Knowing God owns it all, you will strive to do everything for His glory and Sean business practices and ethics that are not pleasing to God (Haggai 2:8 ; Psalm 50:10; Deuteronomy 8:18). See your business as a means to further the gospel and the kingdom of God. Use it as a platform to witness to others.

ii. *Principle No.2:* *Be a Value-Giver:* We should create great products and services that we would gladly purchase ourselves (Exodus 28:6; Exodus 31:4 Romans 12:11). Being excellent at what we do is a fantastic way to honour God and to love our neighbours. Do unto others as you want them to do to you (Matthew 7:12).

iii. *Principle No 3:* *Take action and work hard.* Do not just talk about starting a business, or changing your current marketing strategy – take action (Proverbs 12:24; 22:29). Also, do not just complain about something when it is not working well. Go and fix it. If you are trying to reach financial independence through starting a business, working hard will help propel you towards that ,(Proverbs 10:4;14).

iv. *Principle No 4:* *Wisdom.* You need wisdom to make the right decisions for your business, so you can avoid making irreversible or costly mistakes (James 1:5). Do not be afraid to pray for wisdom or be too proud to seek God’s direction for your business (Proverbs 4:7; Psalm 37:23)

v. *Principle No 5:* *Humility.* To relate well with people especially clients or customers, you must remain humble and approachable (Proverbs 11:2; James 4:6).

vi. *Principle No 6:* *The right business skills* To grow your business you have to be skillful (2Chronicles 2:8). Thankfully, it is possible to learn new skills, so there is no reason not to acquire the skills required.

vii. *Principle No 7:* *The right tools and resources*. For example, are there tools that can increase your productivity? Do you need a website to reach more people? Do you need to invest in some business technology? These are the types of questions you should ask yourself from time to time if you want to keep growing your business (Proverbs 18:15)

viii. *Principle No 8:* *Make money honesty.* Do not cheat, lie to, or scam people out of their money. Build up your business little by little (Proverbs 13:11) Do not be greedy of gain.

ix. *Principle No 9:* *Be bold and get ready to meet with people of like passion.* You will need to relate with people in similar business and from other walks of Life, various societal status/class, etc. You should be articulate in your presentations and negotiations (Proverbs 28:1; Ecclesiastes 8:1; 2Timothy 1:7).


i. Business ownership can become detrimental to one’s spiritual life if it becomes an idol or if the business owner is serving Mammon rather than God (Luke 12:16-21; Luke 16:13).

ii. Some business owners become so immersed in work that they neglect family, friends, their health, and the Lord.

iii. When anything takes our total focus for an extended period of time, it can shift our lives out of balance (1Timothy 6:10).

iv. Christian business owners must work to keep priorities straight and remember that a business with God’s blessing will fare better than one without it (Proverbs 10:22; 1Corinthians 14:40).

v. The Lord will not tolerate our idols, so a business owner owner must work to keep success from becoming more important than anything else (Exodus 20:4).

vi. When a business owner’s motive is selfish or sin-based, the business will not enjoy God’s blessing and may become a hindrance to God’s plan for the owner’s life (Jeremiah 18:9-10)

For a business to thrive God has to be fully involved.

Christians need to take the lead and build the next Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.



MEMORY VERSE: “So I sent messengers to them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?”. — Nehemiah 6:3


There are many possible situations where a potential entrepreneur does not get a chance to establish or fund his or her own business and has to work in an established organisation. In this case he/she is referred to as an entrepreneur that is an ‘intrapreneur’ i.e, an entrepreneur within an organisation.



Teacher should allow students to discuss their views about Intrapreneurship and guide theclass through the following:

A Who is an Intrapreneur?

i. Intrapreneur are usually employees within a company who are assigned to work on a special idea or project they are instructed to develop the project like an entrepreneur would.

ii. intrapreneurs usually have the resources and capability of the company at their disposal.

iii. An entrepreneur is an inside entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur within a large company who uses entrepreneurial skills without incurring the risk associated with those activities.

They are also enterpreneurs because they do not share the typical “employer-employee” relationship with their bosses. Instead they operate just as collaborators and are treated as visionaries in the organization.

B. Who is a Christian intrapreneur?

i. A Christian intrapreneur is therefore a self-motivated, proactive, and action-oriented believer who takes the initiative to pursue an innovative product or service within an organisation manifesting the characters of Jesus Christ.

C. What are the difference between an entrepreneur and Intrapreneurs?

i. An enterpreneur differs from an intrapreneur in that an entrepreneur enters a venture through a start-up model of business and tries to establish it. This is done while taking risk of bringing together the factors of production to address a cause and making a profit out of it at the same time.

ii. While an intrapreneur works within an existing organisation to pursue the exploitation of business opportunities, probably because the intrapreneur does not have the required business capital, infrastructure or clear direction.


Characteristics of an intrapreneur

i. Intrapreneurs are self-motivated, proactive action-oriented people who take the initiative to pursue and innovative products or service.

ii. They are able to resolve specific issues such as increasing productivity or cutting costs. This requires a high level of skills namely leadership skill and thinking outside the box, directly applicable to their assignments.

iii. An intrapreneur also take risk and drives innovation within a business to better serve the market through increased goods and services.

iv. A successful intrapreneur is comfortable being uncomfortable while texting his or her ideas until achieving the desired results.

v. He or she is also able to interpret trends in the marketplace and visualise how the company needs to evolve to stay ahead of its competition.

vi. He or she conducts himself in a highly ethical manner putting his personal emotions aside and acts with objectivity by doing what is right.

vii. An intrapreneur recognises and encourages others for their involvement and contributions.

viii. Intrapreneurs are constant learners.

B. Benefits of intrapreneurship

The benefits of being an intrapreneur and numerous to both the individual and the organisation.

i. Intrapreneurship creates and entrepreneurial environment by allowing employees to use their entrepreneurial skills for the benefit of both the company and the employee.

ii. Intrapreneurs are tasked with using the company’s resources, why enterpreneurs use their own.

iii. It gives employee the freedom to experiment, as well as the potential for growth within an organisation.

iv. Intrapreneurship Foster autonomy and independence, while attempting to find the best resolution. For example, an intrapreneur may require an employee to research and recommend a more efficient workflow chart to a company’s brand within a targeted group or implement a way to benefits company culture.

C. It is important for employers to recognise these employees. By not promoting intrapreneurship or recognising employees who demonstrate an intrapreneurial spirit can be detrimental to a brand or company.

D. Employers who encourage intrapreneurship stand to benefit because it leads to success of the department or the company as a whole. This is because:

i. Keeping these employees can help lead to innovation and growth.

ii. Companies that don’t promote them may lose intrapreneurs to other companies, or they may end up working for themselves.

An intrapreneur is an enterpreneur within an organisation who is proactive and result oriented working for the benefits of both the organization and himself.

Intrapreneurship is one step towards enterpreneurship. Intrapreneurship may use what they have learned as part of an organization’s team to create their own company and reap the benefits of their hard work rather than letting another organisation profit from their ideas.



MEMORY VERSE: “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and no provision for the flesh, to fulfill it’s lusts”. — Romans 13:14


Christian youth come together for diverse reasons such as academic activities, business/social engagements, spiritual exercises and so on. In the process, making friends with the opposite sex may be inevitable. This is not a sin as long as the motive is pure (friendship with no string attached). However, it becomes an issue of concern when we consider the common mistakes foreseeable. We shall attend to unravel some of the mistakes as well as discuss some of the tips for a pure friendship with the opposite sex.



Teacher should allow the class to bear their mind on the opposite sex relationship and emphasis the following points.

A. Here are some of the common mistakes youths make as they relate with their friends of the opposite sex.

1. Ignoring proper boundaries.

2. Misinterpreting the attention of the opposite sex

3. Tolerating too much in the friendship and hanging on too long.

4. Giving a blind eye to danger signals such as emotional attraction, attempt to touching sensitive part of the body, holding hands, cuddling, pecking, and so on (Proverbs 6:20; Romans 12:1)

5. Getting involved much too soon and going too far such as involvement in family functions, financial/business commitments and so on

6. Ignoring sending potential spouse away.


1. Define the friendship and set clear boundaries.

2. Never assume anything but ask question when in doubt.

3. Do not allow anyone form a canopy over your life under the pretense of friendship.

4. Do not take advantage of your closeness to your friend to seduce him/her into any dirty game or romantic pleasure (1Thessalonians 5:22; Colossians 2:21).

5. Differentiate friendship from intimacy.

6. Do not always seek to be in lonely places, dark corners, with a friend of the opposite sex.

7. Try and include others in activities instead of isolating yourself with one person

8. Make a priority of same-sex friendship. Your bosom friend should not be of the opposite sex. You can have them as close friends but not as closest friends

9. Seek opportunity to serve and not to be served or entertained. Real friendship is not on what you can get from others but on how to serve others. In service, we find true friendship (Romans 12:10-11)

10. If you are in relationship leading to marriage, make sure your partner meets with your opposite gender friend

11. Guard your heart. Do not allow premature romance ruin your heart, which is the centre of your destiny (Proverbs 4:23)

12. keep everything strictly platonic (surface and plain friendship).

Youths and Young adults should beware of common mistakes that can ruin their friendship with the opposite sex and make up their mind to keep the friendship pure.

Prioritise same-sex friendship. If you must have a friend of the opposite gender, know your boundaries and make sure you talk about them.



MEMORY VERSE: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”. — Hebrews 13:4


The world today put so much pressure on youths when it comes to what they prefer to call dating. The world tells us to date now and dates often and date a lot of different people so we do not ‘miss out’ on any of life’s experiences. God has a difference plan for His sons and daughters. He has a higher standard for us too, one which we, as Christ followers, should strive to reach even if it goes against the world’s standards and expectations. God wants to lead us into a proper courtship.



Teacher should ask the class to discuss the meaning of dating among the youths and guide the class through the following.

A. The meaning of dating.

i. Dating is a form of romantic relationship typically between two individuals of the opposite sex with the aim of assessing the other’s suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.

ii. Literally, it means going out with someone of the opposite sex.

iii. Dating and courtship are two methods of beginning a relationship with the opposite sex (Genesis 29:18-20). It should be noted that the result of this may lead to friendship, intimate relationship (courtship), marriage or no relationship.

B. While there are non-Christians who go into relationship with the intention of having a series of intimate sexual relationship, for the Christian this is not acceptable and should never be the reason (Romans 12:2; 1Corinthians 6:18-20).

C. Biblical standpoint: While we may not be able to completely close our eyes to this societal trend, Christian youths should see dating as:

i. A little more than friendship and maintain the friendship aspect of their dating until both people are ready to commit to each other as potential marriage partners.

ii. Dating should be a time when a Christian finds out if he or her potential partner is also a genuine believer in Christ before making a commitment of a relationship (courtship) that could lead to marriage.

iii. During this time, there should be no sexual relation and closeness that could trigger emotions, as this is something that should wait until marriage (Hebrews 13:4).

iv. The Christian dating must have boundaries in place and be committed to not crossing them. Dating (as well as marriage) should not be between a believer and a non-believer (2Corinthians 6:14-15).


Teacher should allow youthto discuss why finding fulfillment in Christ is important.
Importance of finding fulfillment in Christ.

i. In order to be in a God-centre romantic relationship in some years to come, you must first find your personal fulfillment in Christ.

ii. The stronger your faith in God, the better you will be able to love another person.

iii. God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14) and until you have a relationship with God that is above everything and anyone else, you will likely have someone who is more important to you than God.

iv. It is vital that God is first in your life (Matthew 22:37-39).

v. He needs to be the one you run to when you are lonely, bored, sad, etc. No friend (especially the opposite sex) can always be there for you like God can.

vi. People are never meant to take God’s place in our lives and heart.

vii. God has to be everything to you prior to getting into a God-honouring relationship (with marriage in view).

viii. As you wait patiently on God and diligently doing His will, He will graciously give you the best match as a spouse.

While it is not out of place for a Christian to date, it is important to beware of some ungodly underlying factors in dating and seeking fulfillment in Christ first.

It is important that a believer finds fulfillment in Christ first before entrusting his/her life into the hands of the opposite sex.



MEMORY VERSE: “Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths”. — Isaiah 59:7


Cultism can be traced to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians had many magicians who practiced occultism and used occult means to acquire more powers. These magicians belong to groups the kept their activities secret (Exodus 7:11). The spread and explosion of cultism to other nations of the world happened for diverse reasons. Cultism is otherwise known as secret cult or secret society.


Teacher should allow the youth to bear their mind on the subject of cultism and guide the class through the following.

A. Description of cultism
i. A cult is a group of people who have extreme beliefs and ideas which only members have access to.

ii. Cultism is an association or organisation of people whose membership, initiation, policies and activities are done secretly.

iii. The activities are carried out at odd hours of the day and are at variance with the accepted norms of the society.

iv. Cultism cuts across all spectra of society. However, the youths are the most vulnerable.

v. Occult group use signs and symbols such as green ribbons on beret, Cross bones, human skull, axes and so on. They usually adopt some handgrip as means of mutual recognition among the members.

B. Consequences of cultism

i. Although the benefits promised member of secret courts may be enticing, the the reality is that “cultism is suicidal”.

ii. It leads to fear, insecurity, failure, shedding of Innocent blood, destructions of lives, destinies and property.

iii. When caught, it gives bad names to the family.

iv. Cultism are unforgiving and vengeful (Jeremiah 20:10).

v. Cultism attract God’s punishment, causes spiritual death and loss of internal life among others (Romans 1:18; Colossians 3:5-6).

C. A child of God must not allow anything or anyone to lure him/her into joining a cult group (Psalm 1:1).

D. Just like fornication, and all uncleanness or covetousness cultism shall not be named at all among believers (Ephesians 5:3).


A. Scripture warns us against fellowshipping with them (Ephesians 5:11) because their activity have negative effects on both members and non-members.
Teacher should allow the students to mention some of the activities of cultists.

a. The activities of this cults take various destructive forms which include:

i. Consumption of alcohol and hard drugs that tends to give false courage,

ii. Stealing, violent behaviours,

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