BIBLE TEXT(S): Job 37:10-13, Lev 26:19, Psa 147:15-20

INTRODUCTION: Why do we need to pray for climate change? Rising global temperatures are caused by climate change and bringing big changes across the world. Changes to weather patterns disrupt harvests and put seasons out of balance, more unpredictable weather including frequent and intense rain, heat of the sun, massive floods and droughts and snow quakes put pressure on life, food supplies, and force people out of their homes and even loss of life.

1. Father, we thank You for creating the world, the sun, moon, and other climate elements. – Gen. 1:1-3

2. Father, we thank You for your help in ages past over turbulent climate change, in
Jesus name. – 1Thes. 5:18

3. Father, let Your wind blows and help our governments to make laws and regulations that would make the climate favourable, in Jesus name.

4. Lord, as Your wind is blowing, forgive our sins that have led to unfavourable climate and weather conditions, in Jesus name. – 1 Jn. 1:9

5. Oh Lord arise in Your mercy and restore every damaged done to this world, in Jesus name. – Joel 2:25

6. Father, as Your wind is blowing, raise for us generation of leaders that will put in place protective measures against harsh climate change, in Jesus name. Jn. 17:12, Ps. 91:1

7. Oh Lord arise and take total control of our climate in Jesus name. – Ps. 19:1-4

8. Lord, in Your mercy, lead our scientists and engineers to new discovery for a healthy human presence on the earth, in Jesus name. – Lam. 3:22

9. Lord motivate our Leaders in government to take immediate action that will bring relief from adverse climate change, in Jesus name. – Prov. 21:1

10. Father Lord, send divine assistance and help to those affected by adverse
climate change, in Jesus name. – Ps. 121:1-2

11. Lord, we bind every demon assigned to scatter the works of creation on climate and weather with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. – Rev. 12:11

12. Lord Jesus, teach us how to make our world worthy of living before Your
return, in Jesus name. – Matt.5:1-2, Jn. 14:26

13. Father, grant wisdom to world leaders on climate and weather management, by providing assistance and relief materials to individuals, families and cities adversely affected, in Jesus name. – Jam. 1:5

14. Father, let every spirit of fear of climate change shifting our focus from Your kingdom be terminated by fire in Jesus name. – 2 Tim. 1:7

15. Father, as Your wind is blowing, put an end to all forms of natural disaster against our wellbeing, in Jesus name. – Isa.14:15


  1. Father give the church the grace to go back to God and do your work the way of the apostles so that our prayers can be answered iJN.
    Father,open the eyes of our leaders to do the right thing for the needy and widows in the church to reduce their suffering iJN.
    The tithe and offering of one church or the other should be left alone in the church and not be taken from the pastors any more to obey God and to put meat in God’s house as God said in Mal 3:10,stop playing tricks on God.
    If we refuse to go back to God and do God’s work in God’s way no amount of fasting or prayer can move God.
    Now is time to go back to God and stop fooling ourselves in the body of Christ.
    Fear God,let the above message get to all our leaders in the body of Christ.

  2. Amennnn and Amennnn in Jesus’s Matchless name Amennnn.Thank Lord for answering all our prayers, and testimonies will follow in Jesus’s most powerful name, Amennnn.

  3. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion… God put us in charge of earth. It’s our duty to take care of it and not harm it. I’m glad for these prayer points. Thank you Jesus

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