Psalm 59 Prayers of Divine Deliverance

Psalm 59 Prayers of Divine Deliverance

Beloved, let us turn our hearts and minds to Psalm 59, a scripture that carries the power to bring deliverance and protection to our homes and works of our hands. Prepare yourself for these fervent prayers and let the mighty hand of God respond to your earnest supplications. May the Lord answer our prayers and grant us victory, in the matchless name of Jesus.

Open Heaven 23 May 2023

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O my God, deliver me from the grip of my enemies. Defend me against those who rise up against me, and save me from the workers of iniquity and bloody men, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (Psalm 59:1-2)

O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Isreal, behold the schemes and ambushes set against my soul. Though I am innocent, they gather in their might to harm me. Awaken, O LORD God of hosts, visit the heathen with Your divine intervention. Show no mercy to the wicked transgressors, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. (Psalm 59:3-5)

They return under the cover of darkness, making vile noises like dogs as they encircle the city. Their tongues spew forth threats, and their lips carry swords. But You, O LORD, will laugh at them, holding the heathen in derision, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. (Psalm 59:6-8)

In You, O God, I place my trust. I patiently wait for Your deliverance, for You are my stronghold and defense. The God of mercy will go before me, allowing me to witness the downfall of my enemies, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. (Psalm 59:9-10)

Lord, scatter them by Your mighty power, that my people may not forget Your wondrous deeds. Consume them in Your righteous wrath, making them aware that You rule over Isreal and the entire earth, in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 59:11-13)

Let them wander aimlessly in search of sustenance, grumbling if their desires are not satisfied. But I will sing of Your power and mercy in the morning, for You have been my refuge and fortress in times of trouble. O my strength, I will sing praises to You, for You are my defense and the God of my mercy, in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 59:15-17)

May the divine deliverance of God come swiftly upon us and our households, breaking the chains of our adversaries and establishing His victory in our lives. As we lift our voices in songs of praise, may the dawn of a new day bring forth the fulfillment of His promises. In the name of Jesus, the stronghold of our defense, we declare these prayers to be sealed. Amen and amen!




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