Prayer is an integral part of the life of a Christian. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. All through scriptures, we are asked to pray and taught the benefits and power residing in prayers.
As we rounded off our prayer series that began earlier in the month of May, we will be answering the question “How often should you pray?”
In clear terms, the Bible tells us never to stop praying. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says Pray without ceasing. This means that we are meant to pray without stopping. There should never be a time in your life as a believer that you’re not praying.
You should pray as you walk, as you work, as you drive, as you cook, as you eat, and as you go about your day. No time is off-limits for prayer.
In a more practical sense, how often should a believer pray in a week? Believers must pray every day.
How often in the day? Jesus Christ gives a hint when he prayed and asked his disciples to do the same.