Hello Beloved, we are delighted that you are joining us again today. We always look forward to your participation. Please declare these declarations with faith and trust that God will bring them to fruition. Amen!

Note: These prayers are spiritual and can only be understood and fully enjoyed by God’s children. If you want to be blessed by these prayers, you must first, surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, by saying this prayer:

To fully benefit from these prayers, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Lord Jesus, I come before You today with a broken and contrite heart full of repentance. Please, forgive me for all my sins. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN!

If you participated in that 👆 life-changing prayer! Please contact us at [email protected] today.

Open Heavens 16 April 2023

Prayer Points For Open Heavens 16 April 2023

Today’s Powerful Confession: I confess today that I live according to the leading of the Spirit. My flesh does not rule or direct me. I am dead to the impulses of the flesh. I do not do as my body or emotions say, I do as the spirit says in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah!



I decree and declare that I do not live according to the dictates of my flesh, I do not give it permission to destroy me in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I live according to the dictates of the Spirit. I do not follow the impulses of the flesh. I have been delivered from self in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that my conversation is always full of grace, seasoned with salt, and I know how to answer everyone In Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that I guard my mouth, so I keep my soul from trouble in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I am slow to speak and quick to listen in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that my mouth will not put me in trouble in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare, Lord, let Your Holy Spirit guide my speech. Then I can have peace knowing Your wisdom will flow through me as I connect with others. When I’m tempted to engage in conversation in my own strength, remind me to keep my words full of grace in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that I will speak words that build up instead of tearing down. I pray any conversations I have will bring joy and honor to You, God in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I understand purpose and assignment and I begin to do all God wants me to do in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I lead a peaceful, impactful and meaningful life on earth in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that my day is blessed and filled with loads of benefits daily in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I am heavenly focused. I won’t lose sight of eternity with Jesus in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that for everywhere I have been termed forsaken, I am now called Hephzibah and I experience joy unspeakable in Jesus’ name.

I decree and declare that I will stand still and watch the Lord rescue me. The Lord himself will fight for me in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that the favor of the Lord will rest upon me in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that my going out and coming in is preserved by God in the name of Jesus.

Thank You Father for your son Pastor E. A Adeboye, and how You keep using him worldwide. Lord may Your grace be multiplied to him and may You cause an increase to every seed You have planted through him. Lord of peace, may You grant him and his family peace at all times and in every way (2 Thess. 3:16). May You equip him with everything good for doing Your will, and may You work in him what is pleasing to You, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. I ask You to deliver him from people who have wrong motives. I also pray that he will have joy in his ministry; and that he will always feel strong and refreshed in his spirit, soul, and body. I decree and declare may the wisdom and inspiration of the Almighty upon him never cease and the grace of God will continually dwell with him and his entire household, may they continue to enjoy Your faithfulness in the mighty name of Jesus.

I decree and declare heaven responds to these prayers and declarations as I say them and I receive answers in Jesus’ name.

Holy Spirit thank You for the intercessory team, thank You for Your power and presence in their midst, please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic declarations. Help them to continue to communicate Your heart even through these declarations, please continue to inspire them for more prophetic declarations in Jesus’ name.

Thank You, Lord, for everyone working on this platform (RCCGONLINE.ORG). Please Lord, perfect everything that concerns them, make them great, in this new year, expand, and move the platform forward for Your Kingdom. Grant the workers wisdom and inspiration on how to expand in Jesus’ name.

Thank You Holy Spirit for all the testimonies and miracles coming through these prayers. May they be permanent in Jesus’ name.

Father, let everybody joining in to say these declarations all over the world experience great miracles throughout this month. May we have numerous testimonies in Jesus’ name.

Somebody shout Hallelujah!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Amen and amen to all these prophetic declarations in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for answered prayers and declarations in Jesus Mighty Name, amen.

  2. Hallelujah!! Jesus is Lord. Lord I thank you for answers to the Powerful declarations in Jesus Marvelous Name, AMEN.

  3. Ameenn to all prayers.
    Please,let us always remember that Jesus thought us to be praying to our Father in heaven alone

  4. Thank you, Lord, for answering all our prayers and testimonies will follow in Jesus’s mighty Name.
    Amennnn to all these powerful declarations in Jesus’s most powerful name, Amennnn.
    Have a great day by the grace of God Amennnn and peaceful rest of the week in Jesus’s mighty Name,Amennnn.

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