Pastor E. A. Adeboye: Israel Festival of Life 2023

Pastor E. A. Adeboye: Israel Festival of Life 2023

Topic: Abba Father

Text: Mark 14:36

Open Heaven 22 May 2023

Open Heaven 23 May 2023


The very first Holy Ghost Service happened in Jerusalem. Acts 2:1-12

Significant happenings at that Holy Ghost Service.

The people were in one accord. When people are united, God commands a blessing. Psalm 133:1-3

The wind blew. There was a sound of a rushing mighty wind. When the wind blew, there was a way where there was no way before. Exodus 14:21-28

Fire fell. 1 Kings 18:36-39

Everyone there received a touch from God. When the fire came, it broke itself and sat on each and every one in the house.

Everyone present that day was transformed. Everyone present that day became a miracle worker. Acts 5:12-14

There was one fellow who got more blessed than the others. He was singled out for something extraordinary. Acts 5:15-16

Peter’s potential was activated that night. Luke 5:1-11

All things are possible for God because He made all things. Genesis:1:1-3, Revelations 4:11

He controls all things to make sure that He is pleased. Mark 4:35-41

He can reverse the irreversible.

Everything on earth is the Lord’s. You cannot be richer than Abba Father.

He’s richer than the richest, He can supply all your needs. 2 Kings 4:1-7

Abba Father is the Father of fathers. He is a Father. He is the author of marriage.

He’s the one who blessed man to “be fruitful and multiply.” Genesis 1:28

A barren wind does not give Him pleasure.

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