PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE’S message at the Generational Shift Special Ministers’ Conference 2022 put together by the PFN (Pentecostal Fellowship Nigeria) Themed “The Mantle” on the 18th of March, 2022 is a message that should be revisited and paid attention to.

Pastor Adeboye’s shared on Advice From An Older Generation To A Younger Generation.

Below is a direct transcription of his message exactly as he communicated it on that day. Whether you belong to the older generation or the younger one, we believe that you will be greatly blessed by this message. Don’t forget to leave a comment below sharing with us how this message blessed you.

The message goes thus: Our Brothers and Sisters, Bishops, Apostles, General Overseers; shall we say the New Generation of Pentecostal Leaders. Thank You for inviting me to share with you at this Meeting. I wish I could come Physically, but unfortunately it’s just impossible for me to come. Thank You for honouring me by giving me a Topic to discuss with you. But you will Please Permit me to put the Topic aside because I feel led by the Holy Spirit to speak with you straight from my heart – It is not a Sermon, but just to share shall we say as an Elder to a Younger Generation.

I want to beg you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – You see, I don’t want to embarrass you honestly speaking – I would have gone on my knees to say what I’m about to say. There is no doubt that the Older Pentecostal Leaders might have one or two issues but so do our Parents – Our Mothers and Fathers our Biological Parents.

They are not Modern but we still Value them – Because they did not go to the University, they don’t know about Greeks, they don’t know about Hebrews but they have certain information that you don’t get in any University. I remembered very well when I was trying to get my mum to get Born Again – She was telling me that: Look you boy, before I married your father in 1910, I had been a Christian.

I wasn’t rude to her. I didn’t tell her – Look Mama, things have Changed. The Christianity that you said you understood in those days is no longer what it used to be. No, No, No; I humbled myself before her. I told her to tell me a little bit about her Experience as a Christian – And she told me some very Wonderful, Moving Stories about how they used to fight all those Idol Worshippers who will bring charms to the front of the Church door and The Catechist (That is how they were known then); will come with the Bible, wave the Bible over whatever charm was Placed in front of the Church and then kick it out of the way and then set it ablaze.

I listened with all attention at some of the experiences that she shared with me. But then humbly I asked – Can you remembered a particular Stage of this your Christian Life where you said: “I Do” to Jesus Christ? Because He is the Husband of the Church and for a Woman to be married; she has to say: “I Do” to the Husband!.

I used Wisdom and God helped me and finally she understood what I was talking about and she gave her life to Jesus Christ. And very humbly, I began to talk to her about Baptism in the Holy Spirit. And when I found out that things were getting a bit slow; I had to use other people to help me reach out to her. Finally, she got Baptised in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues.

Beloveth, I’m begging you: The Older Generation of Pentecostals, they have issues and I know them but they have Experience – There are certain things that you don’t learn in the Bible College. There are certain things that can only be learnt as you travel along this way. There is a lot that you can gain from them.

Please, I’m begging you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – Don’t let Pride rob you of some tremendous things that you could gain from this older Generation. Believe me honestly, whether you believe it or not, they are going. If the Lord tarries now, many of us will soon be gone and once we are gone; we are gone! So before we go; now that particularly we these older generations have humbled themselves to reach out to you – Respond!

Please I beg you – Respond as you have a lot to gain!. Ask our President – The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) President, Bishop Wale Oke; whenever we have an opportunity to hold a meeting of our members and people gather together under the Title of Apostles and one of the Younger People among the People who gathered there (I think I’m the oldest then).

And we ask one of the People to share, when we sit down to listen to them, after they have finished sharing, when everybody is commenting; I always keep quiet because I have a lot to learn. The old has a lot to learn from the new but don’t let the new think that they know it all because they don’t and that is the truth of the matter.

Ask Bishop Wale Oke, he will tell you that after everybody has spoken; to show you that I have learnt something, I will now go over the Sermon that whoever preached had preach – Point by Point by Point; and many a times, I will come out with fourteen (14) Crucial Points that had been raised.

Many times more than fourteen (14) and so much that even the Preacher will say that I didn’t say that. And I will say: You said this and this one followed! Let us learn one from the other!. Whatever you want to say is wrong with the older ones, them on their part, they did the best they could, based on their Limited Knowledge!. But many of them are on their way out – Grab them now!

And Please, you will need to respond positively before it is too late!. The Almighty God will bless this meeting; He will be with you at the gathering and He will Prosper your ministries – Amen. As He has been doing, He will take you Higher and Higher and Higher – Amen! And I Pray that on the Last Day, in the Kingdom of God; we will all be there – Amen.

Thank You very much once again for giving me the opportunity to share with you. If I have offended you with the way I have spoken, Please forgive me – I was speaking out of Love.

God Bless You – Amen.
Thank You very much!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!


  1. May God gives us Spirit to learn from each other in Jesus name, and use it for the glory of God. Father destroy every spirit of Pride in me. AMEN

  2. Amen,thank you very much for this wonderful peace of advice Baba Ea.adeboye. more grace upon your life once again thank you.

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