Open Heaven 5 October 2017 (Thursday) – OCCUPY TILL HE COMES

Open Heaven 5 October 2017 (Thursday) – OCCUPY TILL HE COMES

Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. John 15:2.

Open Heaven 5 October 2017 Bible Reading: Luke 19:11-13

Luk 19:11 And as they heard these things, hevadded and spake a parable, because he was night to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear

Luk 19:12 He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

Luk 19:13 And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come.

Open Heaven 5 October 2017 Message

God’s expectation of you in these end times is that you would live for a cause that is greater than yourself a cause that will serve the purpose of advancing His Kingdom on earth. What worthy cause in God’s Kingdom keeps you awake at night?

What burden are you carrying in your heart? When Nehemiah heard that his people back home had been put to shame and that worship services in the temple of God had been halted, he was overwhelmed with a burden to “occupy” for God and his people (Nehemiah 1:4).

He immediately wanted to effect the necessary changes that would restore the image of God’s people. Many Christians are not bothered about making it a duty to occupy in the place of prayer for those in authority.

Many Christians are not even concerned about the rate at which many sinners are going to Hell. As long as they are comfortable, they care less about the situation of others.

Some people are so self-centred that as long as their immediate family is saved, the salvation of their extended family members is far from their mind. It is our duty as believers to bring all people to the knowledge of God.

We must occupy by directing the souls of men to God through prayers and by witnessing to them until they give their lives to God. Although Nehemiah was comfortable in a king’s palace, he was troubled by the discomfort of God’s people.

We ought to share this same spirit The burden for revival in the hearts of men was what led to the outburst of many moves of God in the world since the days of the apostles.

The burden for holiness has led many to occupy in the place of prayer for certain territories. Our burden for the business of God’s Kingdom should lead us into prayer and fasting, so that we can become fruitful in our missionary assignments. Open Heaven 4 October 2017

As a branch of the Vine, you must be ready to bear fruit if you don’t want the Vine to cast you off The Vine is committed to supplying all you need for the assignment; there is therefore no excuse for you not to occupy till His return (Philippians 4:19).

Also, everything that the Vine’s expects you to do as His branch is done through the strength believers to bring all people to the knowledge of believers to bring all people to the knowledge of supplied by the Vine (John 15:5).

As long as the branch remains attached to the Vine, it will be able to fulfil all that is expected of it (Philippians 4:13). I remember when I was in the university and I was trusting God for His help in winning the soul of one of my professors.

I would do a lot of rehearsals on how I would present the message to him, but each time I saw him, I would lose my confidence.

Dear Reader, Please spare one minute of your time and share this word to all your social media friends with the buttons below! Don’t be too shy to Identify with our Lord Jesus Christ on your social media platforms. October is our month of aggressive Internet Evangelism. Share and also drop a meaningful comment! More Grace and Mercy upon your life and your entire household IJN.

However, God helped me and eventually
succeeded in this assignment. It is only through God’s help that you can occupy till the very end.

Open Heaven 5 October 2017 Hymn Sing Hymn 13

Open Heaven 5 October 2017 Prayer Point:

Father, may l not have to give excuses on the day of accountability.

1 Comment

  1. Lord I need the grace for boldness and the opportunity to speak to my colleagues about the Lord and salvation IJN, Amen!

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