OPEN HEAVEN 29 JULY 2022 MEMORIZE: And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 18:1


1. And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

2. Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:

3. And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.

4. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;

5. Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

6. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

7. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

8. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


Happy Weekend beloved, We’re happy that you stopped by for today’s devotional. Thank you for joining us.

Today’s message is a charge for us to be relentless in prayer. Jesus Christ asks us to pray until our joy is full.

Don’t keep the word to yourself. Share this blessing with other believers by saving this website ( and sharing the link by using the share button below and don’t forget to say the prayers and declarations for the day.

Today’s Powerful Confession: I confess today that the heavens are open over my life. My years of investment in prayers and supplication are yielding a bountiful harvest. The clouds are full and there is a release of an abundance of rain. Overflowing blessings in my life, Overflowing blessings in my health, Overflowing blessings in my finances, Overflowing blessings in my spiritual life on Jesus’ name, Amen. Hallelujah

Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 29 July 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 29 July 2022

Teens Devotional: Open Heavens For Teens 29 July 2022

Yesterday’s devotional: Open Heaven 28 July 2022

Tomorrow’s devotional: Open Heaven 30 July 2022



The wicked judge never respected anyone. He never deferred to anyone. However, as this poor widow troubled him relentlessly with her cry for justice, we see that the judge who was wicked had to respond to her so that she could let him rest.

Many children of God give up on their prayers before God responds to them. If that woman had stopped knocking just at the point at which the judge was deciding to grant her request, she would not have had justice.

Many Christians were only one more prayer away when they gave up and lost their miracle. Sometimes you pray once and God will answer immediately, but at other times, you need to keep pressing in the spirit for your answer to come.

If you stop pressing at some point, the answer may not come. That is why the concluding part of John 16:24 says: “ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.”

I know that sometimes God wants you to keep praying, not because He doesn’t want to answer, but because there is something He wants to perfect in you and that thing can only be completed when you press deeper into the spirit.

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.James 1:3-4 I can tell you for sure: if God had answered all my prayers the very first time I asked, I would not be as deeply involved with Him as I am today.

Prayer is more a blessing for us, than it is for God. You must always remember that prayer does not change who God is, prayer changes you. The more you pray and commit to prayer, the more strengthened you become as a Christian.

There may be things you want God to do for you; even if those things are yet to come, don’t ever give up praying. God is not reluctant to give you what you asked for, but with your constant prayer in faith, you are building a cloud of blessings that will soon break out upon you.

Until that cloud breaks, don’t stop praying. Until your joy is full, don’t stop knocking on heavens door. Keep pressing in the spirit until your answer comes.

OPEN HEAVEN 29 JULY 2022 KEY POINT: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 29 July 2022

What are those things you have stopped praying for now simply because the answer didn’t come? List them out now and begin to include them in your daily prayers again.

Thank you for reading today’s devotional Beloved.

Make the decision to be a contributor to the advancement of God’s Kingdom in one way or another. Live your life daily mindful of the purposes and plan of God.

Kindly purchase your own hard copy version of the Open Heavens devotional. You can buy it for your friends too as a potent evangelism tool.

God bless you, as you sow, into the book ministry of Pastor E.A. Adeboye in Jesus’ name.

FROM THE TEAM: Thank you for reading today’s OPEN HEAVEN 29 JULY 2022, written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Kindly share with someone on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media platforms using the social buttons at the beginning or scroll to the end of this post. Have a good day! #RemainRapturable



1. My faith looks up to Thee,
Thou Lamb of Calvary,
Saviour divine!
Now hear me while I pray,
Take all my guilt away;
O let me from this day
Be wholly Thine.

2. May Thy rich grace impart
Strength to my fainting heart,
My zeal inspire;
As Thou hast died for me,
O may my love to Thee
Pure, warm, and changeless be,
A living fire.

3. While life’s dark maze I tread,
And griefs around me spread,
Be Thou my guide;
Bid darkness turn to day,
Wipe sorrow’s tears away,
Nor let me ever stray
From Thee aside.

4. When ends life’s transient dream,
When death’s cold, sullen stream
Shall o’er me roll, Blest Saviour, then in love,
Fear and distrust remove;
O bear me safe above,
A ransomed soul.



  1. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for your words this day and please, Lord God Almighty help me, my wife, my children, Grandma and my entire household to be persistent and courageous in our prayer lives in Jesus Mighty name, amen.

  2. Almighty God give me strength, wisdom, knowledge an underlying to continued praised and worship you until my prayer we be answer by you in Jesus name i request Amen

  3. Dear Lord, please grant me the grace to pray without ceasing at all times in Jesus name, thank you Lord for my answers are almost here in Jesus name, amen and amen 🙏

  4. May the Lord answer all our prayers by fire in Jesus Wonderful Name. Amen, Hallelujah.

  5. Thank you Jesus!
    Father, please help me to tarry in the place of prayer till my answers come and my joy is full in Jesus name.

  6. Father, Thank You for Your words this day, Father Please as I make my requests known to You Please hear me from Heaven and answer all my prayers In Jesus Most Powerful Name Amen 🙏

  7. Dear Lord, I thank you for everything. I am grateful for your blessings o Lord!. Please give me the grace to continue to pray unto your holy name without ceasing in Jesus name, amen and amen 🙏

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