OPEN HEAVEN 23 APRIL 2022 MEMORIZE: Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. 1 Corinthians 10:10


1. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

2. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

3. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.

4. I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

5. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

6. This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

7. The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

8. O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

9. O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.

10. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.


Happy weekend beloved, Welcome to Open Heavens devotional. Thank you for joining us today.

Are you going through a tough situation, or have you been in your waiting season for some time now? Today’s devotional is set to speak to your heart.

Find out in the message below.

Don’t keep the word to yourself. Share this blessing with other believers by saving this website ( and sharing the link by using the share button below. And don’t forget to go through the prayers and declarations of the day.

Today’s Powerful Confession: I confess today I will not lose heart or faint for I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. All my requests are turning into testimonies and my mourning into dancing in Jesus name. Amen Hallelujah!

Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 23 April 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 23 April 2022

Teens Devotional: Open Heavens For Teens 23 April 2022

Yesterday’s devotional: Open Heaven 22 April 2022

Tomorrow’s devotional: Open Heaven 24 April 2022



“And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Lord burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.” Numbers 11:1 God hates murmurings.

He hates it so much that in the passage above, He sent fire to consume some of the Israelites who were murmuring. He wants you to live and rejoice in the knowledge of His love and care for you, not to be murmuring.

You must understand that whatever it is you are going through, He is aware of it and He will bring you out of that situation victoriously. If you don’t trust Him, then why do you call yourself a believer?.

As long as you have placed everything in His hands, you can be sure that He would make the best out of the situation. Sometimes however, we may be faced with situations that would shake us and make us want to question God.

Nevertheless, think about it: who are you to question the Maker of heaven and earth? Who are you to judge whether He is doing the right thing or not? Job tried to question Him and by the time God answered, he himself was frightened (Job 38:1-41).

When situations get tough, the way to prevent yourself from murmuring is to remember what David said in Psalms 34:1 “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Praise God all the time because He knows what He is doing. Romans 8:28 says that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. You may not understand now, but you will soon.

If you decide that the praise of the Lord will be in your mouth at all times – no matter the situation, it will be hard for you to complain or murmur about anything.

Every day, keep telling Him that He is greater than the greatest, He is higher than the highest, that He is the owner of the cattle upon a thousand hills, reminding yourself that He is the One who parted the Red Sea, that He is the One who brought water out of a rock and so on.

Before you know it, your faith would have risen above the situation, showing clearly that your God is greater than whatever mountain you are facing and soon you would be dancing victoriously.


OPEN HEAVEN 23 APRIL 2022 KEY POINT: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 23 April 2022

Consider the challenging situation you are facing currently and begin to praise God, knowing that He will help you overcome it victoriously.

Thank you for reading today’s devotional Beloved.

Make the decision to be a contributor to the advancement of God’s Kingdom in one way or another. Live your life daily mindful of the purposes and plan of God.

Kindly purchase your own hard copy version of the Open Heavens devotional. You can buy it for your friends too as a potent evangelism tool.

God bless you, as you sow, into the book ministry of Pastor E.A. Adeboye in Jesus’ name.

FROM THE TEAM: Thank you for reading today’s OPEN HEAVEN 23 APRIL 2022, written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Kindly share with someone on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media platforms using the social buttons at the beginning or scroll to the end of this post. Have a good day! #RemainRapturable




1. O worship the King,
All glorious above,
O gratefully sing
His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender,
The Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendour,
And girded with praise.

2. O tell of His might,
O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light,
Whose canopy space.
His chariots of wrath
The deep thunder-clouds form,
And dark is His path
On the wings of the storm.

3. Thy bountiful care,
What tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air,
It shines in the light,
It streams from the hills,
It descends to the plain,
And sweetly distils
In the dew and the rain.

4. Frail children of dust,
And feeble as frail;
In Thee do we trust,
Nor find Thee to fail;
Thy mercies, how tender,
How firm to the end,
Our maker, Defender,
Redeemer, and Friend!

5. O measureless Might!
Ineffable Love!
While angels delight
To hymn Thee above,
The humbler creation,
Though feeble their lays,
With true adoration,
Shall lisp to Thy praise.

OPEN HEAVEN 23 APRIL 2022 BIBLE READING IN ONE YEAR: 2 KINGS 18:1-37, 2 KINGS 19:1-37, 2 KINGS 20:1-21


  1. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for your words this day and please, Lord God Almighty help and give me, my wife, my children, Grandma and my entire household the grace and enablement to continually praise your holy name without season in Jesus Mighty name, amen

  2. My Father, My Father thank You for your words. I will continue to praise your holy Name for ever and ever Amen and Amen

  3. Father I thank you and give you praise over my present situation. You are God and in control, I will continually give you praise in Jesus name, Amen.

  4. This testimony is long overdue, but today’s devotional topic”Antidote to Murmurings” bring to mind the testimony hence, God’s worthy of our Praises the more during our moment of crises instead of complaining.
    In 2005, I was looking for job as a Professional freshly equipped with Certificate of Competency…. I met one on one with a shipowner(whom I knew shortly before leaving for the course in 2003)…so, he requested I resumed work immediately, to me God’s answered me but “NO”…how???…
    I reported the following day for Job engagement formalities then, the Supt in charge of operations had issues with salary hence I left without reverting back to the owner (I didn’t know why bcos, he later told me on phone that he would have overriden the Supt decision, he wanted me at ALL cost bcos, he TRUSTED me)….
    I joined another company and while at work about 6-7 months later one day, we heard of a big Explosion onboard same Ship (in which I would have been involved), and about 7-8 souls were lost in that accident… I was dombfounded for almost 1-hr, considering the following facts…
    1. that I would have been involved and be a casualty, been in charge of Cargo operations,
    2. my wife sometimes visit me at work (which could have been a double tragedy…God be praised,
    3. My wife was carrying our first child pregnancy during the period in question…so, the extent of losses is better imagined…
    Now, I am presently looking for job, but I have learnt and presently learning (in School of Disciples) that we should learn to praise Him more during challenging period, instead of Murmurings, bcos only Him alone knows what’s BEST for us, in terms of “SOLUTION WITHOUT SORROWS”…Psalm 150:1-6…Praises all the way to Him alone….. Hallelujah.

  5. Thank you Almighty your praise sjall continually be in my mouth
    God continue to Bless Daddy E.A Adeboye . Amen

  6. It doesn’t matter what comes my way,I will continually praise the Lord and His praise shall never depart from my mouth

  7. Ancient Of Days!!!! The Beginning And The Ending, Father You Are Greater Than The Greatest, You Are Higher Than The Highest, You Are Wiser Than The Wisest , Glory, Honour And Adoration Be Unto Your Holy Name In Jesus Most Powerful Name Amen 🙏

  8. Thank you Lord. My father, have mercy upon us, and forgive us our shortcomings and help us to be grateful and thankful in all situations in our lives in Jesus’s most powerful name , Amennnn .
    Happy weekend everyone’s, God’s Names continued to defend us and shield us, Amennnn and Amennnn in Jesus’s mighty Name ,Amennnn .

  9. I will bless the Lord at ALL times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. So help me God. AMENNNNNN

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