OPEN HEAVEN 14 JULY 2022 MEMORIZE: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Good morning beloved. Welcome to Open Heavens Devotional. Thank you for joining us.

In Today’s devotional, we shall be looking at WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened as you read through in Jesus name.

Don’t keep the word to yourself. Share this blessing with other believers by saving this website ( and sharing the link by using the share button below and don’t forget to say the prayers and declarations for the day.

Today’s Powerful Confession: I confess today my life is beautiful and characterized by joy and blessings. I focus on the blessings I already have and the ones promised. I do not give room for ingratitude and depression. Joy permeates my being in Jesus’ name. Amen. Hallelujah!

Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 14 July 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 14 July 2022

Teens Devotional: Open Heavens For Teens 14 July 2022

Yesterday’s devotional: Open Heaven 13 July 2022

Tomorrow’s devotional: Open Heaven 15 July 2022

Read: 29 Bible Verses About Fasting

Read: 21 Bible Verses About Provision



Things described as lovely are very beautiful or attractive. Heaven, for example, is a very lovely place; everything in heaven is extremely beautiful and attractive.

Revelation 21:21 says: “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.”

Heaven is also a place of extreme joy; there is no pain or sorrow in heaven. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4”

These Bible verses tell us straightaway that there is a link between thinking on lovely things and having joy. The more you think on lovely things, the more joyful you become and vice versa.

Many people are depressed today because they keep thinking of things that are not lovely despite having many beautiful things around them to think of. If you find yourself in a state of depression, then it is time to quickly switch your thinking gear to the lovely things.

Think about the fact that your eyes can still see clearly enough to read the Open Heavens Devotional every morning, that you can walk, that you can dress up yourself. You may be considered a dog now, but Ecclesiastes 9:4 says that a living dog is better than a dead lion.

The fact that you are still alive is a lovely thing to think about because that means there is hope for you. If you are not looking for someone to donate a kidney to you because yours is still working fine and your heart is still beating normally, all these and more are lovely things to think on.

Even if you think there is nothing lovely to think about in your past, think of the lovely future that God has promised you; that you will one day lend to nations (Deuteronomy 15:6), that you will heal the sick and raise the dead (Mark 16:17-18), that you will live a beautiful life with your children all aground your table (Psalms 128:1-3).

OPEN HEAVEN 14 JULY 2022 KEY POINT: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 14 July 2022

Focus on the lovely things the Lord has done or promised to do and always let His joy flow through you.

Thank you for reading today’s devotional Beloved.

Make the decision to be a contributor to the advancement of God’s Kingdom in one way or another. Live your life daily mindful of the purposes and plan of God.

Kindly purchase your own hard copy version of the Open Heavens devotional. You can buy it for your friends too as a potent evangelism tool.

God bless you, as you sow, into the book ministry of Pastor E.A. Adeboye in Jesus’ name.

FROM THE TEAM: Thank you for reading today’s OPEN HEAVEN 14 JULY 2022, written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye. Kindly share with someone on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media platforms using the social buttons at the beginning or scroll to the end of this post. Have a good day! #RemainRapturable



1. Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus
Daily let me go;
Higher, higher in the school of wisdom,
More of grace to know.

O deeper yet I pray,
And higher evry day,
And wiser, blessed, Lord,
In Thy precious, holy Word.

2. Deeper, deeper! blessed Holy Spirit,
Take me deeper still,
Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus,
And His perfect will.

3. Deeper, deeper! tho it cost hard trials,
Deeper let me go!
Rooted in the holy love of Jesus,
Let me fruitful grow.

4. Deeper, higher, evry day in Jesus,
Till all conflict past,
Finds me conquror, and in His own image
Perfected at last.



  1. Thank you LORD JESUS for thy awesomeness, I pray that from this day henceforth, you will aid me to think on whatsoever things are lovely. Amen

  2. Thank You Lord For Your Words this day, Please Lord help me to always think on Your goodness over my life and family In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏

  3. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for what you done/doing/promised to do for me, my wife, my children, grandma and my entire household and your words this day. Please Lord God Almighty fulfill your premise and let my, my wife, my children, Grandma and my entire household joy be full everyday in Jesus Mighty name, amen.

  4. Only beautiful and lovely things shall find way around us. No more sorrow and pain in Jesus Name 🙏

  5. Thank you Father that despite the challenges in Nigeria, You haven’t left me destitute. I can see with both my eyes, hear with my ears, I am not on dialysis or a pacesetter, I have a family that loves me in spite of my shortcomings. Daddy as beautiful as these may be, I am most grateful that by Your mercy and grace I am saved and looking forward to spending my eternity with You. Daddy thank You. Indeed, You are the best.

    AMEN !!!!!!!!!!

  7. Thank you, my father, for another wonderful day in your presence ,may your Holy name be praise forever and ever Amennnn..
    This the day you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it Amennnn.
    My Father, thank you for the gift of lives for me and my childrens family’s and entire family members friends and love ones, Lord Jesus’s please glorify yourself in or lives and everything that concerns all of us in Jesus’s mighty Name Amennnn
    My Father l pray for all the women’s in the ministry that they will finish well by the grace of God!.
    Father,l thank you for another birthday for mummy Adeboye, she will finish well by the grace of God Amennnn .
    @ olorimope shalom!!
    Lord my father be our rear guard and our refuge sustainer, shepherd, great Ally,our Rock, our deliverer, our protector, our provider, myself and my childrens family’s and entire family members friends and love ones, .
    Father , help us to be in right place and at the right time. And other our steps in Jesus’s mighty Name Amennnn.
    Happy Wednesday and be a soul winner’s , be wise, be compassionate and love others like yourself. Thank you, my father, for another wonderful day in your presence ,may your Holy name be praise forever and ever Amennnn..
    This the day you have made we will rejoice and be glad in it Amennnn.
    My Father, thank you for the gift of lives for me and my childrens family’s and entire family members friends and love ones, Lord Jesus’s please glorify yourself in or lives and everything that concerns all of us in Jesus’s mighty Name Amennnn
    My Father l pray for all the women’s in the ministry that they will finish well by the grace of God!.
    Father,l thank you for another birthday for mummy Adeboye, she will finish well by the grace of God Amennnn .
    @ olorimope shalom!!
    Lord my father be our rear guard and our refuge sustainer, shepherd, great Ally,our Rock, our deliverer, our protector, our provider, myself and my childrens family’s and entire family members friends and love ones, .
    Father , help us to be in right place and at the right time. And other our steps in Jesus’s mighty Name Amennnn.
    Happy Wednesday and be a soul winner’s , be wise, be compassionate and love others like yourself.

  8. Thank you Lord Jesus for the lovely things that you’ve done & are still doing for me & my household. Our thoughts shall forever be centred on the lovely things around us in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

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