Accept Jesus As Your Personal Lord And Saviour With This Simple Prayer!

Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour With This simple prayer!

We are most delighted to have you here. This is the best opportunity some never had and we’re glad to tell you, the host of heavens are happy about your decision right now. You’re about to join a great family filled with Love.

Science has told you so much about how you live, breathe and carry out other activities. Scientists have done their best in improving our world, this is indeed remarkable and they should be applauded.

What if I tell you today, there is someone somewhere above the skies who rules the earth and He is responsible for everything you’re seeing around. Will you believe me?

Scientist can only explain the process of life, but only our GOD, The creator of all things, can give life! Hallelujah!

Will you be happy if I introduce you to the GIVER OF LIFE?

I am talking about the ONE who sits on the highest throne of Judgement. He created me and you in His likeness. (Go through the book of Genesis).

Any highly anointed man of God in the world today, at one point came to the realization of this divine truth. You’re not making a mistake, you’re rather arranging your life to live on purpose, for a purpose and with a purpose!

You might be going through a lot in life and at this point, you truly want a lasting solution.

I want you to follow the simple prayer below. The words you’re about to go through have life in them. Do not recite them casually.

Look into yourself and surrender everything. Kindly, answer these three preliminary questions below. Thank you

1. Do you realize you are a sinner and totally unworthy to stand before God?

2. Do you believe the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ is God’s own sacrifice for the atonement of man and that Jesus’s blood shed on the cross of Calvary many years ago can cleanse you up?

3. Are you ready to accept Jesus Christ, son of God, to come into your life and transform your life forever?

If your answer is YES, kindly start these prayers now.

Dear Lord Jesus, it is my will to surrender to You everything that I am right now and everything that I’m striving to be henceforth.

I open the deepest recesses of my heart and sincerely invite Your Holy Spirit, which You promise to send as my comforter in (John 14:26) to dwell in me now and forever.

I offer You my life, heart, mind, soul, body, all hopes and dreams. I surrender to You my past, present and future. All my habits, character, failures, success, relationships, finance, health and livelihood. I ask You take Lordship over everything.

I surrender to You all my pains, worries, doubt, anxiety, depressions and complains. I ask that You will perfect all that is in me for my own good. Because, in Jeremiah 29:11 you said; Your plans for me are for good and not bad. Bring me to that beautiful expected end, Lord Jesus. I have been told about You many times, but today I have decided to make myself available for Your use. I also want to tell others about You.

Father, please cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus as I release everything about me into Your compassionate care.

Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see clearly the evil plans the devil has for me. Let me never fall back to him again, continue to uphold me till the very end with Your grace.

Open my ears to hear Your voice. Make me understand all the things and make me wiser. Open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that need to be closed in my life. Lead me through the part of righteous and deliver me from all evil. Amen!


Welcome to the Kingdom of God. Kindly fill the form below, this will enable us reach you time to time. Start reading your Bible and Open Heavens Daily Devotional written by Pastor E. A. Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God and partake in our daily prayers and declarations, your life will take a new dimension henceforth. We are proud of You

Start attending a Jesus believing Church close to you. I encourage you to keep reading your Bible. reach us, if you have any question. We will be ready to attend to you.

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We believe in true Internet Evangelism, Platform Team.

Remain bless!


  1. The end is near
    Amend your ways now you got the chance because tomorrow might be too late
    Jesus loves you and want you back to His kingdom
    Moreover,the best birthday gift you can offer to Jesus is yourself i.e accepting Him as your personal Lord and Saviour because that is the reason He was born. May God’s grace be sufficient for you as you do so. IJN- Amen

  2. I was raised in the church (I used a Sudanym, well, darn. Now I feel like Peter? That denied Jesus three times.

    I’ll figure it out. Anyhow. I was raised in the church. Mom used to give lessons from a Christian Morality workbook. “If you broke a neighbor’s window playing baseball what should you do?”
    A. Don’t say anything as long as no one saw you.
    B. Go to their home and knock on the door.
    C. Blame the kid that rarely ever comes in your street.

    You get the idea. I was a somewhat wild teen. On a scale of one to ten I was probably a five to seven. I did like my Marijuana and alcohol and various other substances.

    With things being so ugly the last couple of years in the world, I’ve had my share of anxiety. Well I always have really. Since I was about ten or less.

    Whenever someone would suggest turning to Jesus I just felt….I don’t know, Silly. I didn’t even consider asking Jesus to be my personal savior. I felt like it made me a weak man. Intellectually I admired men that had a relationship with Jesus/God. Emotionally? I can’t explain it.

    Well a couple of months back, I was laying in bed at 2:00A.M. having a bit of on anxiety thing, and I decided to try it.. I asked Jesus to help me. It was hard and again I felt silly/weak, but I kept trying because I knew I needed to.

    I hate to say the next part as I always rolled my eyes when someone told me what I’m about to say. Suddenly I felt a quite heavy “WAVE” of calm and almost floating sort of feeling.

    It was strange. A week later a ten year old medical “condition” virtually disappeared. I’m not saying one thing is responsible for the other as a matter of fact, but it seems like a very unusual coincidence.

    I’ve been praying a few times a day ever since. I am experiencing an unusual amount of calm for me. I keep telling myself, Jesus has this. I’m taken care of. I don’t need to worry about earthly things any more if I really don’t wish to.

    I will be OK one way or another.

    Look. I’m not saying, “Pray a few times and everything in your life miraculously gets better.”

    I’m just saying, “What will it hurt?” The more you do it the more likely you are to be sincere about it. It feels like for maybe the first time someone has my back and I don’t need to worry.

    I do really wish our “Leaders” would stop trying to bring about a war. Either on Russia or certainly on the citizens of the U.S.

    But it’s possible this is the biblical end times. Many people have been convinced they were living in end times. I think the Bible says no man will know. I would prefer to not see it first hand thank you. But if it’s coming NOW it was meant to be right?

    For anyone thats having a hard time asking Christ to come in to their heart, just DO IT! Wasn’t that a commercial? But really. Just do it, and keep doing it. It won’t hurt, and you may be like me and be very happy you finally did it.

    Take care all.

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