Daily Declarations For Today 23rd March 2019

Daily Declarations For Today 23rd March 2019

You can drop your prayer request on the comment section, send us an email or send us a text with the number below. God bless you

» Good Morning Everyone, May Divine burden lifter Visit your home today in Jesus Name!
» This Morning The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!
» May His Faithfulness never depart from You and yours in Jesus Name
» Let the power that Open this day- Open more doors of Opportunities for you in Jesus Name!
» May Your life never remain on a spot in Jesus Name!
» Let your destiny receive divine speed right now in Jesus Name!
» Every work of snail done to your life journey- I destroy them right now in Jesus Name! Read – Open Heavens 23rd March 2019

Daily Declarations For Today 23rd March 2019

» Good Morning Everyone, May Divine burden lifter Visit your home today in Jesus Name!
» This Morning The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!
» May His Faithfulness never depart from You and yours in Jesus Name
» Let the power that Open this day- Open more doors of Opportunities for you in Jesus Name!
» May Your life never remain on a spot in Jesus Name!
» Let your destiny receive divine speed right now in Jesus Name!
» Every work of snail done to your life journey- I destroy them right now in Jesus Name! Read – Open Heavens 23rd March 2019
» Let those long time yoke of yours be broken right now in Jesus Name!
» Wherever You have been helping God in your life that has kept you on a spot for long- Mercy will Speak for You today in Jesus Name!
» I speak Peace like a river into that home this Morning in Jesus Name
» Those missing things in your dreams are found right now in Jesus Name
» That car key that was given to You in your dream land is coming to Manifestation in Jesus Name
» I nullify every Negative Prophecies given to you regarding your destiny in Jesus Name
» God is saying to someone- His thought towards You are PEACE! And so shall it be in Jesus Name!
» That wedding plans shall be successful in Jesus Name!

For those desiring to get married this year but no spouse yet- Father, Settle them in Jesus Name!
» I command those long time entitlement to be paid to You from this morning in Jesus Name!
» Someone is going to become international champion very soon! Halleluyah
» Over those applications you submitted – Go and be receiving good news call in Jesus Name!
» God is saying to someone- Be Faithful in the little He has given You. More than enough is just round the corner when You are Faithful!

Take Note!
» For everyone struggling with debts in all areas of life- this same season God will Settle You by mercy in Jesus Name!
» Even as this month coming to an end- You will Testify in Jesus Name!
» All Ministry Partners May You not Partner in vain in Jesus Name!
» I release You All today into your financial breakthrough in Jesus Name!
» The Grace to remain in the Lord shall not depart from us All in Jesus Name!
» Over everyone of You I will not have cause to mourn in Jesus Name!
» At the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!
» Remember to Pray for me and all Ministers on this Ministry as You are led! God bless You!
» All ministry destiny helpers God will send flood of Helper on your way this season in Jesus Name!
» Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!
…..And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!
*Go ahead and Celebrate God for this morning Declarations.*
We return all Glory to you Alone.


» Let those long time yoke of yours be broken right now in Jesus Name!
» Wherever You have been helping God in your life that has kept you on a spot for long- Mercy will Speak for You today in Jesus Name!
» I speak Peace like a river into that home this Morning in Jesus Name
» Those missing things in your dreams are found right now in Jesus Name
» That car key that was given to You in your dream land is coming to Manifestation in Jesus Name
» I nullify every Negative Prophecies given to you regarding your destiny in Jesus Name
» God is saying to someone- His thought towards You are PEACE! And so shall it be in Jesus Name!
» That wedding plans shall be successful in Jesus Name!

For those desiring to get married this year but no spouse yet- Father, Settle them in Jesus Name!
» I command those long time entitlement to be paid to You from this morning in Jesus Name!
» Someone is going to become international champion very soon! Halleluyah
» Over those applications you submitted – Go and be receiving good news call in Jesus Name!
» God is saying to someone- Be Faithful in the little He has given You. More than enough is just round the corner when You are Faithful!

Take Note!
» For everyone struggling with debts in all areas of life- this same season God will Settle You by mercy in Jesus Name!
» Even as this month coming to an end- You will Testify in Jesus Name!
» All Ministry Partners May You not Partner in vain in Jesus Name!
» I release You All today into your financial breakthrough in Jesus Name!
» The Grace to remain in the Lord shall not depart from us All in Jesus Name!
» Over everyone of You I will not have cause to mourn in Jesus Name!
» At the end we shall not be cast away in Jesus Name!
» Remember to Pray for me and all Ministers on this Ministry as You are led! God bless You!
» All ministry destiny helpers God will send flood of Helper on your way this season in Jesus Name!
» Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!
…..And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!
*Go ahead and Celebrate God for this morning Declarations.*
We return all Glory to you Alone.



  1. Good morning, I am grateful to God for using his church mightily to blessing his people, please I need serious spiritual intervention, I graduated more than 5years ago and have been looking for job but all to no avail, I graduated with 4.42 cgpa in microbiology from federal university of technology Minna and I was second best graduating student that time, I am not getting younger, I have fasted and prayed but yet to receive my miracle, I need help sir

  2. Good Morning, sir ,I want you to join me in prayers concerning doors I want God to open for me. ..I am into business, a legitimate one. I want God to provide money to buy goods to sell. God has blessed me with good customers but the money to buy those goods is the issue and have been praying about it. . .God should pls, attend to my request. I want to see is hand move mightly on my business. Thank you sir

  3. Good morning sir. God has been very good to me and my household since I joined rccg last year with beautiful surprises on a regular basis. Thanks sir for this platform to pray for us and declare blessings into our lives. May the LORD continue to show up in your life, family and ministry on a daily basis in Jesus name.
    The following are my prayer request sir:
    – contracts to supply reed diffusers & other items to an upscale luxury apartment in Lagos
    – contracts to supply food & other items to a big hotel in Lagos
    – resurrect my dead business (organic peanut oil business) & make it flourish
    – open more doors of business opportunities for me
    – remove every delays from my path to complete victory.

    God bless you always sir.


  4. Please what is the ministry account details where one can sow into for the furtherance of God’s work.? Thanks

  5. Thank you for this opportunity. We believe the MOG on all these declarations and we shall prosper. Pls we need your prayers for our baby who will be 3 by May and is yet to talk sit and walk due to palsy. We believe a word from the Lord will heal him perfectly.

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