Daily Declarations 13 March 2019

Daily Declarations 13 March 2019

» Good Morning Everyone, May Heavens Put and End to any form of suffering in your life today in Jesus Name!

» This Morning The Presence of God will go with You and your household in Jesus Name!

» May His Daily blessings never elude You in Jesus Name!

» Let the blessings of this day locate You in Jesus Name

» Let that season of Your inheritance Punishment come to an end in Jesus Name!

» Whatever represent mountains in your life shall become plain from today in Jesus Name!

» Let the anointing of Complete Testimonies rest upon You now in Jesus Name

» Every loopholes enemies are using as access to your breakthrough are blocked today in Jesus Name

» Let those inherited battles begin to come to and end right now in Jesus Name

» Every mark of disfavour in your life are wiped away today by the blood of Jesus!

» May You never be helpless in life in Jesus Name!

» May Your blessings never be transferred to a stranger in Jesus Name!

» May You never work for someone to receive your reward in Jesus Name

» For someone here this Morning- Congratulations on your Promotion letter! Halleluyah

» For everyone trusting God in their entitlement from any firm- from today heavens release them in Jesus Name!

» God is saying to someone – THERE SHALL BE NO MORE LOST! Halleluyah

» God is saying to someone- You are coming with Joy Unspeakable!

» Someone is here- Your season of hard labour With nothing to show is over today! Halleluyah

» God is saying to someone- Be Grateful for the little He has done for You!

» May You not fail that your Test Of Faith in Jesus Name!

» God is saying to someone- Your Helpers will no longer missed You from this day! Halleluyah

» God is giving someone a garment of Debt Free! Halleluyah

» Wedding bells is ringing….

For that Single that is asking when will it be- I will announce your wedding this same season in Jesus Name!

» You shall experience financial breakthrough like never before this season in Jesus Name!

» May You not embark on journey of no return in Jesus Name!

» All Ministry Partners- May You not Partner in vain in Jesus Name!

» For those who desires to join- receive what it takes in Jesus Name

>>Over all our children we shall not mourn in Jesus Name! Read – Open Heavens 13th March 2019

>>Over everyone of You I will not mourn in Jesus Name!

>>At the end we shall end well and strong in Jesus Name!

>>Remember to Pray for me and all Ministers on this Ministry as led!

» All ministry destiny helpers God will send flood of Helper on your way this season in Jesus Name!

» Any forces that wants to stand against this morning declarations wrath of God locate their camps in Jesus Name!

…..And All shall be well with You in Jesus name!

*Go ahead and Celebrate God for this morning Declarations.*


We return all Glory to you Alone.


Please, Share these divine declarations with your family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. God bless you



  1. Seriously ,it is a glorious declaration .I pray the lord will continue to strength him and his family and all the minister that works closely with him and the lord shall confirm his words in our life in Jesus name.

  2. I’m so blessed with these glorious declaration. Daddy, the Lord keep you strong, watch over you and your family, bless you and take your ministry higher than you ever imagine in Jesus name. Thanks for your fatherly blessings and prayers. God bless you sir!

  3. I am blessed. This is a confimation of what God reveled to me this morning. Father thank you for making me part of this family of God. God bless you sir.

  4. I thank God for Today’s very powerful Breakthru’ Declaration which addressed the exact challenges I’ve been encountering for the past years. God Bless Daddy G.O.

  5. It is a blessing for me and all of us to have a caring father such as Daddy G.O. who is always concerned about the spiritual and physical wellbeing of not only the members of RCCG but the entire Christian body. Sir, may the Lord keep you. Thank you so much, Sir.

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