1. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
O how I love Thee well,
I am happy, it makes me glad
To rejoice at Thy birth.

2. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Thy friend friendship suits me well,
Both young and will sing Thy song,
We long for Sunday School.

3. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Christ was Thy first teacher,
The Holy Spirit, great teacher,
Does manifest in thee.

4. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
This testimony is sure,
That God, the Father Almighty,
Poured His blessing on Thee

5. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day,
Though the sun be so bright,
Or if the clouds be black with rain,
I’ll be in Sunday School.

6. O Sunday School, on the Lord’s day
I rejoice to see Thee,
Will thou pass over me today?
Without my being blest?

OPENING PRAYER: Father, help me to understand the dynamics of leadership.

MEMORY VERSE: “So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands.”. — Psalm 78:72 (NKJV)


25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:

28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

INTRODUCTION: Everything rises and falls with leadership. The more skillful and effective the leadership, the better the group or organisation runs, and the more the potential for growth increases. While some argue that leaders are born, the making of a true leader is not a ‘sprint’ but a ‘marathon’. It is therefore expedient to carefully and painstakinly learn about leadership and be skilled in the act.

TEACHING REVIEW: Matthew 20:25-28
Our Lord Jesus Christ in this chapter admonished His disciples on the Kingdom perspective of leadership:
i. He says that they are aware that the princes of the Gentiles exercise Dominion and great authority over their subjects,…………….v25.
ii. But it should not be so among hem should be their minister……v26.
iii. ……………….v27.
iv. Just like He came not be ministered to, but to minister and give His life as a ransom for many v28.


i. Many scholars have attempted to define or describe the term ‘leadership’. For instance, leadership is said to be a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow (John 21:3).

ii. Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Mark 3:14). Leadership is any behaviour that influences the actions and attitude of others to achieve certain results (Genesis 7:5-7).

iii. Societal values determine whether the leadership of a an individual is positive or negative (Isaiah 9:16), based on the goals and results being pursued and on the means used to influence others.

iv. Christian leadership is an interpersonal behaviour (John 10:27;12:26). It is a relationship between a ‘mature’ Christian (who is willing to take responsibility) and a group of believers in Christ (who are willing to be responsible followers) with the aim of influencing them to achieve the common goal of doing God’s will in this world and making it to Heaven (1Corinthians 11:1;Luke 9:57).

v. A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and Who rallies people to move towards that better vision. Leaders can work towards making their vision a reality while putting people first.

vi. Just being able to motivate people is not enough – leaders needs to be empathetic and connect with people to be successful. Leaders do not have to come from the same background or follow the same part. Future leaders will actually be more diverse, which brings a variety of perspectives.

CLASS ACTIVITY 1: Students should share with the class, how they have influenced a particular decision in their home, church of place of work.


Various leadership theories have emerged over the year and in attempt to explain the complexities of leadership. The following theories offer a diverse and representative view of leadership:

i. “Great leader” theories: in great leader theories assume that great leaders are born not made (Jeremiah 1:5; Judges 13:5).

ii. Traits theory: similar in some ways to “great leader” theories, trait theories assume that people inherit certain behaviours, quality, and traits that make them suited for leadership (2Kings 14:1-3).

iii. Situational theories: situational theories proposed that leaders will demonstrate a particular style of leadership depending on the given situation (1Corinthians 9:19-20)

iv. Behavioral (functional) theories: behavioral theories of leadership are based on the belief that leaders are made, not born (the opposite of the “great leaders” theories) Daniel 1:8, 20-21;6:1-3

v. Transactional theories: transactional theories focus on the principle that followers are motivated by a system of risk and reward. If individuals or teams achieved their identify goal(s), they will be rewarded and if they do not succeed, they will be punished (Matthew 25:14-30).

vi. Transformational theories: transformational theories are based on the idea that leaders motivate their followers. This will inspire team members of followers to perform for the good of the team (John 14:12-14).

CLASS ACTIVITY 2 : Students should pick and discuss the leadership theory they would adopt as Christians and share why they choose it with the class.

CONCLUSION: Every man has a trait of leadership and them. Discover yours with the help of the Holy Spirit and make up your mind to be a leader after God’s heart.

CLOSING PRAYER: Father, give me the grace to influence lives for your kingdom and the entire world.

ASSIGNMENT: Students should write five erroneous descriptions of leadership in the world system (2×5=10 Marks).

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