Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For 19th February 2019 – Prayer Of Revival For Hidden And The Neglected Ministries

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points For 19th February 2019 – Prayer Of Revival For Hidden And The Neglected Ministries

1. Praise and worship

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father, help the church to make the right choices and reset our priorities Luke 10:41

4. Lord open the eyes of Christians to identify in love with those in prisoners and among the
held captives by Satan in one situation or other Matt. 25:30

5. Oh lord, set the heart of the church on aggressive prayers against ungodly character which
may hinder of from receiving our miracles. Matt 15:21-28

6. Father my father, touch the lives of orphans and widows, provide for them, meet then at
points of need. Prov. 15:25

7. Father send help to the children of the needy missionaries

8. Father; hear the prayers of the poor and the needy in our nations

9. Father; hear the cry of your children in various refugees camps as a result of war and

10. Father; there are those who are in neglected IDP camps, please save their destinies from
being truncated by their misfortunes.

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Marie Uzor
Marie Uzor
6 years ago

The typos are too much. This is an international ministry. Please edit carefully.