Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 3rd February 2019 – Anointing For Power Ministrations

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 3rd February 2019 – Anointing For Power Ministrations

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good,
and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”.Act 10:38

1. Praise and worship God

2. Thank God for His goodness and mercies over your life and family

3. God will anoint our father in the lord with the Holy Ghost and with power to go all about this
new year and beyond doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.

4. Pray for special anointing upon our father in the Lord, with divine presence and enablement
to minister in the power of the Holy Ghost. Luk. 4:32

5. The same anointing will rest upon every chosen vessel that will minister along with him this
year. Luke. 10:19

6. As God speaks once, the power of the Holy Ghost will echo the word repeatedly in the ears
of the people with a willingness heart. Ps. 62:11

7. Let us pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon all our members to Will and Do all
God’s commandment. Ps. 110;3, Isa 1:19

8. Pray that we shall all be partakers of the glory that shall be revealed during this year. 1Pet 5:1 Click To Read – Open Heaven 3 February 2019

9. Pray that God will anoint you to do exploit more than Daddy Adeboye
10. Pray for Daddy that His anointing will not run dry

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Nweze k. Ijoma
Nweze k. Ijoma
6 years ago

Am excited.