Rccg fasting prayer points 31 Jan 2019 – HEARKEN UNTO ME, OH LORD

Rccg fasting prayer points 31 Jan 2019 – HEARKEN UNTO ME, OH LORD

1. Pray that God will help His people to rely on Him alone. Psa. 60.11

2. Pray that God will help all those who put their trust in Him. Psa. 60.11

3. Ask God for help from any area you need help. Psa. 108.12

4. Pray for God’s help to make it home eternally. Rom 9.15-16

5. Let the wind blow and let breath come from all four corners of the earth and revive every
dead good project in your families. Ezek. 37.1-12

6. Let us pray for restoration of the glory that has been stolen in our lives and destiny. Joel 2.

7. Pray that God will reverse the irreversible in your life Psa. 126. 8. Pray that God will restore back to you your lost glory Psa. 126

9. Ask God to restore back to you, the years eaten by locust. Joel 2.25

10. Ask God to restore you in all the ways you have strayed from the narrow path. Psa. 50

11. Ask God for a new beginning. Gen 1.1-3

12. Ask God to deal with all agents of death against your life. Psa. 35.1-6

13. Ask God to let you enjoy peace like a river – in your body, marriage, business, ministry, etc
Psa. 23.2

14. Ask God to apply His healing balm over every sick area of your life and heal you all round.

15. Pray that you will not know any form of sickness again from today. John 19.30

16. Ask for the grace to walk perfectly before the Lord. Gen 17.1

17. Ask God to give you the very best He can give to any man this year. Psa. 23.5

18. Ask God to make you be the very best that any human being can be for Him, this Year Psa.

19. Ask God to make you a blessing to the whole world. Gen. 12.2-3. Click Here To Read – Open Heaven 31 January 2019

20. Ask God for the grace to forsake every way of sin and live holy.

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