Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 15 January 2019 – There Shall Be No Loss

Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 15 January 2019 – There Shall Be No Loss

Num. 31:49, Jer. 23:4; 3:15, Job 5:24, Isa. 47:8, John 6:12, Acts 27; 22-23; 20:28.

1. Intense praise and worship

2. Say father! By your grace, I will never lose my Joy, my peace, hope, life and my salvation in, Jesus name.

3. Father! Every soul you have won to RCCG, there shall be no loss of any of them again to the devil.

4. Oh God my father! Clothe me with a new garment of testimony for recovery this year.

5. In the Mighty name of Jesus!! Every satanic parasite eating me little by little, be exposed and die

6. Holy Ghost fire! Expose, disgrace and displace them that want to empty me and my family in Jesus name.

7. I decree and declare in the name of God the father! Oh ye eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood assigned against me, I turn you against yourself right now in Jesus name. Read – Open Heaven 15 January 2019

8. I reject sorrow and weeping this year; therefore arrows of sorrow backfire to senders in Jesus name.

9. Arrows of emptiness, programmed to empty my blessings, by fire by force, go back to your senders in Jesus name.

10. Say father! I surrender everything concerning me to you, takeover my life, takeover my marriage, takeover our Churches, takeover my business and takeover everything you have given me, let there be no loss of anything in Jesus name.

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Helena Kamara.
Helena Kamara.
6 years ago

I thank God for you Almighty to a part of the fast and prayer this time.

samson joshua
samson joshua
6 years ago

Mummy pray for my daddy oluwaremi Samuel in christ area provice other 15 river estate mummy among the pastor in Thais are Thais man is calling from god through.he like fasting .prayer and might vigil .mummy please call Thais ur son speak only done world to his live his Number 07034961234 his name pastor Samuel am BR joshua his usher

Ezego Uzoma Helen
Ezego Uzoma Helen
6 years ago

Mum please pray for me and sister for God to locate our husband for us

Mrs ibekwe
Mrs ibekwe
6 years ago

Pls daddy and mummy, intercede for permanent healing upon me and my family, I have a terrible back pain after child birth.

Last TT
Last TT
6 years ago

please pray for me and my sisters for God to locate our husband for us this year

Kaoma Ellan Kamfwa
Kaoma Ellan Kamfwa
6 years ago

Please pray for me so that i can find a job this year