We will embark on 49 Days Fasting this Year.

The fasting Exercise starts from 11th January 2019 to 28th February 2019.

We will fast and cry for Mercy for Nigeria and concerning Redeemed Christian Church of God. Click To Read – Open Heaven 6 January 2019

We all know the meaning of Psalms 91!

*”It is DIVINE INSURANCE “* provided you make the Almighty God your Cover – Very Simple.

May the Lord give ears to our Prayers as we fast and pray this Year again.


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6 years ago

Thanks you richly and may Jehovah Jah continue to uphold in high places this year Jesus Mighty Name.. Shalom

Whensu Titus
Whensu Titus
6 years ago

Sir,I observed that most of the times it is Oyinbo pictures that is displaced on the advert/info platform. The one you show today is a young lady who is half-naked. This is the indecent dressing Daddy G.O warned of yesterday. And why should it be n.a. so so Oyinbo photo you used to show us? Don’t you have Nigerian Christian sisters that can be shown. Haba!

6 years ago
Reply to  Whensu Titus

They are nott the one showing all those pictures, its google advertisement

6 years ago
Reply to  Whensu Titus

You are so quick to make conclusions and judge my dear… I pray you don’t run with that this year.

Obviously what it is that you are seeing, wasn’t uploaded by the church.

Oluyemisi Ogunbowale
Oluyemisi Ogunbowale
6 years ago

Happy New Year to you and thanking God for the grace surrounding you to coordinate this platform. I was privileged to watch the January Holy Ghost service and listened with attention for the fasting announcement but it was not said by Daddy G . O. Was it announced before or after service . Waiting to hear from you


6 years ago

It was announced diring the Minister’s Thanksgiving service.

Oluyemisi Ogunbowale
Oluyemisi Ogunbowale
6 years ago
Reply to  Phemmy

Thank you @ Phemmy

Akinyomi O. John
Akinyomi O. John
6 years ago

Happy New year to all my brethren in the Lod. Fasting is a necessary recruitment if anyone wants to do great exploits for the Lord in this end-time. Let’s us embrace ththis opportunity and ensure we add aggressive prayers of faith to our fast. Fasting Minus Prayer Equals Hunger-Strike. God bless you all in Jesus name.

Akinyomi O. John
Akinyomi O. John
6 years ago

Happy New year to all my brethren in the Lord. Fasting is a necessary requirement if anyone wants to do great exploits for the Lord in this end-time. Let’s embrace this opportunity and ensure that we add aggressive prayers of faith to our fast. This is because Fasting Minus Prayer Equals Hunger-Strike. God bless you all in Jesus name

Stephen Femi OMOTOSO
Stephen Femi OMOTOSO
6 years ago

Thank God for another opportunity to wait on the Lord. May the Lord grant us the grace to wait effectively on the Lord this year again. We pray for peaceful elections in Nigeria ????????
We equally pray that the love and grace God has on RCCG will remain intact.

God bless all members of RCCG all over the world and bless Daddy GO and his family torrentially this year…. .Amen.

6 years ago

Thank God for another marathon fast. Brother Titus, I understand your plight, if you are single and believing God for partner; pray to God. If Christian Sister’s photo are uploaded.hmmm, ma broda looks fit deceive.oo

6 years ago

Be focus not on the things u see on the advertisement but on the things u are on the net to do may the Lord help us all myself included so that we will not miss it in Jesus name.

Olokede olugbenga augustine
Olokede olugbenga augustine
6 years ago

Happy new year to everyone on this platform. I pray that the cloud of glory will cast on us the shadow of grace to constantly follow Jesus to the very end. May we not be distracted nor follow from afar like peter. I really appreciate the wisdom of contributors on this platform. God bless you all.

6 years ago

This year may God take away every form of distraction and enable to work with perfectly in Jesus name. Open heaven topics are unique and have richly bless my live. May God cause Daddy and mummy to continue to flourish like cedar in Lebanon in this their old age in Jesus name!

6 years ago

Father strengthen me to do the fast this year in Jesus name.

Elizabeth Osindele
Elizabeth Osindele
6 years ago

It is well with us In 2019 In Jesus Mighty Name..

6 years ago

Do we also have the option to do dry fast and finish early? Does anyone have info concerning that?

Abubakar Abidemi
Abubakar Abidemi
6 years ago

Father, help and strength me to begin this fasting and finish it;without missing any. God let me have good testimony to share during this fasting period. Ijn.i was told by a friend about this fasting, but I know God sent him.and I believe before the end of this fasting I will have a good testimony to share. By God grace. Amen

6 years ago


U.G.K Okpala
U.G.K Okpala
6 years ago

How many days can one do dry fasting in place of the 49 days of fasting in this 2019

Solomon A.
Solomon A.
6 years ago

How many hours is one expected to carry on the prayer. From when to when each day?

6 years ago

how i do a 3day dry fasting ,is it like monday tuesday and wednesday no food or is it 6am to 6pm no food for the three days or is it 24hrs counting make a day thing .please can dome one help me