BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:11, 4:31
INTRODUCTION: What the Lord is requesting from us this year 2025 is; to give Him quality worship and praises. Therefore to achieve more than expected this year we need to make worship a lifestyle. Let us give God excellent reverence as His worthy to be praised and adore.
1. Father; you alone art worthy to receive our worship; there is no one else like You. The ALMIGHTY, we bow down and worship You in Jesus name.
2. Father; your name is Higher than every other name. The I AM, We Bow down and worship Your Holy name in Jesus name.
3. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1
4. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Mat 6:9-10
5. Father, receive our worship. You are the Almighty God forever in Jesus name.
6. Father, I worship you for your divine favour upon all nations of the world in Jesus name. Gen.24: 52
7. Father, we worship you for prayers answered in the past in Jesus name. Exo. 4: 31
8. Father, we worship you for your awesome power of deliverance release to all nations globally in Jesus name. Ex. 4: 31.
9. Father, I worship you for the forgiveness of sin upon me and my family in Jesus name. 1 Sam.15:25
10. Father, we worship you for your great power shown and manifested in our nation in Jesus name. 2 Kings 17:36
11. Father, we worship you because you are the owner of our soul in Jesus name. Psa 22: 29
12. Father, we worship you in the beauty of your holiness in Jesus name. Psa 29: 2
13. Father, you are the God that created the heaven and the Earth; we return all glory to your name in Jesus name. Psa 45:11, 66:4
14. Father, we worship You for you are the ever-living God in Jesus name. Psa 81:9
15. Father, we worship you because all gods are subjected to your name in Jesus name. Psa 97: 7
May God return us to the church of old as it is in the bible iJN.
Evangelist Kenpaul says 99% of churches of today are not for Christ and we must return to the church of the bible if heaven is really our goal.
May God help us iJN
I offer my sincere gratitude to the Lord for the blessing of life and the opportunity to participate in this 100-day fast and prayer. It is by Your grace alone, and I express my deepest thankfulness. You alone deserve all my worship, my Father, my Shepherd, my provider, my refuge, my fortress, my redeemer, my great ally. Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. My Father and my dependable God, I offer You all my worship. You are the Almighty God forever, in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord, for… Read more »
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen IJMN AMEN HALLELUJAH