Beloved, be a vessel of evangelism and share these life-changing messages, prayers, and declarations with the precious people around you. 

Today’s Powerful Confession: I stand firm on the ancient landmarks of God’s truth, living a life of holiness, faithfulness, and commitment to Christ, in the mighty name of Jesus. Somebody Shout Hallelujah!

Powerful Declarations For Today 23 November 2024

Let Us Pray

Ancient of days, I worship You, You that changes times and seasons yet, none can change You, I magnify Your Holy name .
Father, thank You for being the same yesterday, and today, and forever. It doesn’t matter the attempt to modernize Christianity, thank you because You will never change.
Father, please, help me never to attempt to explain away the basic principles of Christianity in the Bible; help me to hold onto the ancient landmarks of faith, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, help me not to practice a less rigid Christianity, never to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, in Jesus’ name.
Father, help me to be united with You so I can understand more of the things of the spirit, and to remain strong in faith, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, help me to enjoy serving You like my parents in the Lord, with greater commitment, so much that I can achieve greater results, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, help me to deny myself for the sake of the gospel, to give myself completely to You, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, help me to stand firm in my commitment to serve You and not to compromise on Your principles, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, even when the people will laugh at me or call me a religious fanatic, help me to keep the ancient landmarks still, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, restore all those that have left the ancient landmarks, and let the whole world come to the brightness of my rising in You, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please continue to give Your son, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and his household the grace to stand for You and continue to share edifying messages with Your children around the world, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thank You, Lord,  for everyone working on this community (RCCGONLINE.ORG).

Lord, all those who have been rebroadcasting these prayers and declarations, give them the grace to keep up with this good work of Faith, in the name of Jesus.

By faith, appreciate God for answered prayers. Your testimonies are undeniable in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every challenge, hindrance, and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on a daily basis be removed, in Jesus’ name.

Submit yourself and your personal petitions to God. Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.

( Philippians 4:6)

In Jesus’ name, I pray.

(John 14:13–14; 15:16)

Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


These prayers have no expiry date! Please join us in prayer, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus’ name.

See you here tomorrow.

Note: These prayers are spiritual and can only be understood and fully enjoyed by God’s children.

To fully benefit from these prayers, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by saying this prayer: 

Lord Jesus, I come before You today with a broken and contrite heart full of repentance. Please, forgive me for all my sins. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN!

If you participated in that 👆 life-changing prayer! Congratulations! we are so excited you surrendered your life to Jesus! Please contact us at [email protected] today

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1 month ago

Thank You, Father for answered prayers in Name. Amen.

Oyedua Oluwadare
Oyedua Oluwadare
1 month ago

Thank God that I took part in this morning prayer

1 month ago

Amen and amen to all the prayer points in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for answered prayers and for the grace and enablement giving unto me, my wife, my children, grandma and my entire household to obey and belong to the Lord God Almighty completely always in Jesus Mighty Name, amen.

1 month ago


1 month ago


1 month ago

Amennnn and Amennnn to all these powerful prayers in Jesus’s mighty Name ,Amennnn.
Not my will but your will be done in our lives and our families both far and near in Jesus’s mighty Name , Amennnn .

1 month ago
