Beloved. Be a vessel of evangelism and share these life-changing messages, prayers, and declarations with the precious people around you. 

Today’s Confession: I confess today that by the stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed, whole, and free from every sickness, for Jehovah Rapha is my Healer, in the mighty name of Jesus. Somebody Shout Hallelujah!

Powerful Declarations For Today 18 December 2024

Let Us Pray

Father, You are highly lifted above all other gods, every knee bows and every tongue confesses Your Lordship at the mention of Your name, Jesus.
Father, thank You for the power in Your names. Thank You for answering to Your name at various instances when I call unto You.
Father, thank You for securing my healings by the stripes and the bruises You bore for me that I may be made whole.
Father, thank You for taking my infirmities to the grave with You and they are gone forever, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, any kind of disease or sickness in my body that has been resisting medical attention, O Great Physician, heal me completely, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every generational sickness or affliction in my family line be destroyed by the power in the name of Jesus.

Father, I reject every report of sickness or disease that is contrary to Your word concerning me, in Jesus’ name.

O God, let the blood of Jesus cleanse my body, spirit, and soul, removing every trace of sickness and pain, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please, help me to remain Your child living in absolute holiness, so my healings will be permanent, in Jesus’ name.

Father, please, as many that desires healings and they are yet to be saved, help them to let go of their sinful life, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, as many that are sick in Your church, heal them all and make them whole again, in Jesus’ name
Father, ‭please, help me not to be an ungrateful child. As You heal me, help me to return in appreciate to You, in Jesus’ name.
Father, thank You for being my healer. Please take away every form of sickness or pain in my body, in Jesus’ name.
Father, please, bless your son, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye; honor his faith in You and grant him divine health and long life.
Flood his heart with real joy as he grows older; bless his ministry, home, and family (biological and spiritual), and help them to remain a shining light forever, in Jesus name.
Thank You, Lord,  for everyone working on this community (RCCGONLINE.ORG).

Lord, all those who have been rebroadcasting these prayers and declarations, give them the grace to keep up with this good work of Faith, in the name of Jesus.

By faith, appreciate God for answered prayers. Your testimonies are undeniable in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every challenge, hindrance, and obstacle of getting these prayer points across to Your children, timely, and on a daily basis be removed, in Jesus’ name.

Submit yourself and your personal petitions to God. Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.

( Philippians 4:6)

In Jesus’ name, I pray.

(John 14:13–14; 15:16)

Thank you Father for answered prayers.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18).


These prayers have no expiry date! Please join us in prayer, irrespective of the time they get to you. Remain blessed, in Jesus’ name.

See you here tomorrow.

Note: These prayers are spiritual and can only be understood and fully enjoyed by God’s children.

To fully benefit from these prayers, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by saying this prayer: 

Lord Jesus, I come before You today with a broken and contrite heart full of repentance. Please, forgive me for all my sins. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN!

If you participated in that 👆 life-changing prayer! Congratulations! we are so excited you surrendered your life to Jesus! Please contact us at [email protected] today

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1 month ago

Amen and amen to all the prayer points in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for answered prayers and for my, my wife, my children, grandma and my entire household perfect healing in Jesus Mighty Name, amen.

1 month ago

Amen iJN

1 month ago


Mopelola Adeogun
Mopelola Adeogun
1 month ago

Amen to all these prophetic prayers in Jesus’s mighty Name,Amenn.

1 month ago

Amen in Jesus Christ mighty name. Thank you for healing me and my family in Jesus name. Hallelujah!!!