Today, we’re sharing powerful names of God in Yoruba language.

Yoruba language is one of the 3 major tribes in Nigeria (Igbo, Hausa & Yoruba) and it is very popular in Africa and many parts of the world.

It is a great language to praise God in and has beautiful names for God.

If you are Yoruba, these names of God are sure to enlighten you and resonate with you.

And if you’re not Yoruba or even familiar with the Yoruba language, you are still going to learn from this article because some of the names in local dialects carry powerful meanings that English words can not fully capture.

If you’re interested or have ever wondered “what are the names of God in Yoruba language? And what are their meanings in English?”, you are in the right place to get a comprehensive list.

Some Names Of God In Yoruba Language And Their Meanings

Olorun – God

Oluwa – Lord

Olorun Wa – Our God

Oluwa Wa – Our Lord

Kabiyeesi – King

Olorun Baba – God the Father

Olorun Omo – God the son

Olorun Abrahamu – God of Abraham

Olorun Isaki – God of Isaac

Oba awon oba – King of kings

Olorun Emi Mimo – God the Holy spirit

Oluwa awon oluwa – The Lord of lords

Olorun awon olorun – The God of gods

Olorun kan lailai – The only God

Ikan loni – Same today

Adagba ma paaro oye – Unchanging God

Olorun ti o yipada – Unchanging God

Alewilese – He that can Speak and Act

Aleselewi – He that can Act and Speak

Owibee sebee – He that Speaks and Acts

Awimayehun – He who Speaks and does not change His words

Olupamo – Our keeper

Oludande – Our deliverer

Olugbala – Our saviour

Olutusile – God of freedom

Oludariji – Our forgiver

Oba t’o se’gun agbara ese – God who delivers from hold of sin

Oba t’o san gbogbo ‘gbese wa – God who pays the price for our sins

Olorun ajinde – The resurrected Lord

Olutunu – Our comforter

Olufe okan wa – My lover

Oba t’o yan wa fe – God who has predestined us

Olusegun – The conqueror

Oyigiyigi – Great and Mighty

Alakoso orun at’aye – The God of Heaven

Atogbojule – Dependable God Alagbawi eda – Defender

Alagbada ina – He that covers Himself with fire branded robe

Alawotele oorun – He whose underwear is Sun

Asorodayo – The God who gives joy

Oba t’o mu ‘banuje tan – God who puts end to sorrow

Okan titi aye ainipekun – The same forever

Oba ti mbe nibi gbogbo nigba gbogbo – the ubiquitous God

Olorun Jakobu – God of Jacob

Ikan lola – Same tomorrow

Olorun owu – The jealous God

Olorun ti kii s’enia ti yio paro – God that is not man that could change

Olodumare – The Almighty

Arugbo ojo – Ancient of days

Olorun agbalagba – Ancient of days

Ikan lana – Same yesterday

Oba t’o mu iji dake roro – God who commands the storm peace be still

Alaabo – Our keeper

Oluso – Our guard

Ajasegun – The conqueror

Gbanigbani ni’jo ogun le – Our defense in time of war

Ogbagba ti ngb’ara adugbo – The Protector

Oba t’o pin okun pupa n’iya – God who parted the red sea

Olorun t’o mu Jodani sa niwaju awon omo Re –
God who parted the river Jordan

Oba t’o bi odi Jeriko wo – God who fell down the walls of Jericho

Olorun t’o kolu Egipiti l’ara awon akobi re – God who killed the first born of the Egyptians

Asoromaye – He who prophesize and comes to past

Onimajemu – Covenant keeping God

Olulana – The wonderful way maker

Olorun oro – Word – The God of spoken word

Oba to ti o gbe oro Re ga ju Oruko Re lo – The God who exalts his word more that his name

Olutoju wa – Our Keeper

Onibuore – God whose barn is full of blessing

Afunni ma s’iregun – The God who blesses without asking for reward

Adanimagbagbe – The creator who never forgets the created

Ogbeja k’eru o ba onija – God who fights for the defenseless

Jagunjagun ode orun – The great warrior of heaven

Olowogbogboro – God whose hand is long enough to reach at any length

Olorun awon omo ogun – The great warrior

Aduro tini bi akoni eleru – The faithful God

Eru jeje l’eti okun pupa – The Most powerful by the red sea

Oba t’o ju gbogbo orisa lo – The Almighty God

Olorun t’o tobi ju gbogbo aye lo – Greater than all the earth

Oba t’o da monamona fun ojo – The God who created lightening for the rain

Aimope ani oje – He who is not called but answers

Oba to j’ewe at’egbo lo – kings mightier than herbs and roots

Oba to ni owa t’owa – The God who commands

Oba t’oni olo t’olo – The God who commands

Oba t’oni k’owa t’owa – The God who commands

Read: Powerful Names Of God In Hausa And Their Meanings

Oba t’oni k’omasi ti o si si mo – The God who can close a door and no man can open

Oba t’ao ri sugbon t’ari ise owo Re – The unseen God but we can feel his impact

Olorun t’o n gbo adura – God who hears prayers

Oba t’o n dahun adura – Prayer answering God

Olorun t’ape t’o n je – The God that you can call and he will answer

Oba t’o n dahun adura pelu ina – God that answered by fire

Eleda – Creator

Akoda aye – The first among all things

Aseda orun – He established the heavens

Oba t’o fi’di aye s’ole s’ori omi – He who established the earth on waters

Oba t’o mo wa – The Potter

Oba t’o mo wa – He that knoweth us

Oba t’o mo ohun gbogbo – The all knowing God

Olorun t’o le se ohun gbogbo – God who can do all things

Oba ti ohun gbogbo nbe n’ikawo Re – God who has the whole world in his hands

Oba to joko soke orun to f’ile aye se itise Re – He makes the heaven his seat and the earth his foot stool

Onise ara – Wonderful

Onise nla – Great God

Mimo Mimo Mimo – Holy! Holy! Holy

Oba t’o ninu mimo – Righteous God

Oba alaya funfun – Immaculate God

Ologo meta – The Trinity

Olotito – The Truthful

Olododo – The Truthful

Iye – Resurrection

Aduro gboingboin lehin asotito – Defender of the Truthful

Imole ninu okunkun aye – The light in darkness

Alagbara l’orun ati l’aye – Mighty in heaven and on the earth

Oba ti nyoni kuro ninu ofin aye – God who rescues from the dungeon

Oba ti ntu won ka nibi ti won nti da’na iro – He who causes confusion in the camp of the enemy

Atererekariaye – He spreads out across the earth

Eletigb’aroye – The great hear that hears all over the world

Alatilehin – Our succor

Alaanu – Merciful God

Oba ti aanu Re duro lailai – God whose mercies endureth for ever

Oba alade alafia – The Prince of peace

Oloore ofe – The gracious god

Olorun ife – The God of Love

Olorun ayo – The God that gives Joy

Olutunu – Comforter

Olubukun – The blessed God

Onise iyanu – Miracle worker

Atofarati – Our defense

Atogbokanle – The trustworthy God

Atofokante – Our Confidant

Adunbarin – Worthy to walk with

Adunbalo – Worthy to follow

Adunkepe – God you can call on

Apata ayeraye – The rock of ages

Atobiju – The Almighty

Atofarati bi oke – Our support and defense

Apata wa – Our rock of Ages

Odi wa – Our shield

Alabarin aye wa – Our companion

Olupese – Our provider

Olugbega – The lifter of our head

Oluranlowo – Our help

Ireti wa – Our hope

Olu aye – God on earth

Olu orun – God in heaven

Oba ti gbobo oba nt’owo Re gb’ase – Kings from whom kings take directives

Adakedajo – He who Judges silently

Adajo ma fi t’enikan se – The just Judge

Oba ti kii s’ojusaju – The just God

Oba t’enikan o le pe l’ejo – The king that can not be judged

Oba aseyiowu – Unquestionable God

Oba tii s’agan d’olomo – The God who opens the womb of the barren

Abiyamo ode orun – The great mother of heaven

Atorise – God who can turn bad situation to good

As’oloriburuku d’olorire – God who can remove the inadequacies from ones life

Arinu r’ode – God who sees the visible and the invisible

Olumoranokan eda – He who sees the intent of the heart of man

Oludamoran – The Great adviser

Baba wa – Abba father

Ore wa – Our friend

Ibi isadi wa – Our refugee

Alabo wa – our protector

Oba ti ki sun ti ki togbe – The king that neither sleeps nor slumbers

Oba onise nla – The great worker of good

Onigbonwo wa – Our sponsor

Oba ti o ma wa nigba t’aye o ni si mo – He who will remain at the end of all things

Oloruko nla – The great name

Ologojulo – The glorious God

Emi ni ti nje Emi ni – I am the I am

Oba t’oni gbogbo ope – He who deserves all praise

Olorun t’oni gbogbo iyin – He who deserves all honour

Oba ti ko ni pin ogo Re pel’enikankan – God that does not share his glory with any man

Oba t’o ti wa t’o si wa ti o si ma wa lailai – The God that was that is and that will remain for ever

Ibere ati opin – The Alpha and omega

Olorun pipe – Perfect God

Oluwosan – the healer

Asoku d’alaye – He who brings the dead to life

Olorun alaaye – God of the living

Oba ti n p’ojo iku da – God who can change appointment with death

Oba ti emi gbogbo enia wa l’owo Re – He who has the keys to our existence

Oba ti nti t’enikan o lesi – He who shuts and no one can open

Oba ti nsi t’enikan o leti – He who opens and no one can close

Awamaridi – Unsearchable God


Abetilukara bi ajere – God who is all ears

Aiku – Living God

Aisa – Faithful

Olorun rere – Good God

Akiri s’ore – He who goes about doing good

As’ore kiiri – He who goes about doing good

Gbongbo idile Jesse – The root of the tribe of Jesse

Oba t’o f’oro da ile aye – He that created all things by his spoken word

Oba to ti wa k’aye o towa – He who was in existence before creation

Akaikatan – Eternity will not be enough to praise and honour you O Lord

Which of these names is your favorite?
You can save this post and use it often to praise God.

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Tyty muteb
Tyty muteb
1 year ago

Wow all these I’m amazed. I wonder how yoruba praise and worships songs are powerful.i will learn wonderful.👏👏👏👏👏👏

1 year ago

Alawotele oorun

Adetunmibi Oladipo
Adetunmibi Oladipo
1 year ago

Thank you Jesus because you are God,akakatan oluruko repete olodumare, oba awon oba , eru jeje , alagbara nla.ijinle ife olodumare.mose iba re this morning

Jadesola Awe
Jadesola Awe
1 year ago

May his name be praised forever in Jesus mighty name.

11 months ago

I 💖 IT

Olusegun Ifeoluwa Hannah
Olusegun Ifeoluwa Hannah
1 month ago

Kabioyosi Arugbo ojo Adagba matepa Adagbamaparo oye ijile ife. Olowogbogboro Kaaabiyesi iwonikanni gbogbo ogo ati iyin ye.