OPEN HEAVEN 31 OCTOBER 2022 MEMORIZE: And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel. Hebrews 12:24


And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


Good morning Beloved. We’re delighted to have you here! It is a beautiful thing to always spend time in God’s presence.

Today’s devotional teaches how to deal with demon possessed people.

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How are you enjoying the prayers and declarations? We’ll love to see your comment!

Today’s Powerful Confession: I confess today I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. God is putting his super on my natural and his extra on my ordinary. I function from a place of grace and supernatural ease. Unforced rhythms of grace in Jesus’ name, Amen. Hallelujah!

Powerful Declarations: Powerful Declarations For Today 31 October 2022

Today’s Prayer Points: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 31 October 2022

Teens Devotional: Open Heavens For Teens 31 October 2022

Yesterday’s devotional: Open Heaven 30 October 2022

Tomorrow’s devotional: Open Heaven 1 November 2022

Happy New Month: Prayers And Declarations For The Month Of November 2022

READ: 15 Prophetic Declarations For November By Apostle Joshua Selman



Not everybody you see walking around is normal. Many are possessed by demons. Some people are addicted to fornication, some are obsessed with material things, some spend time in places where demons operate, like nightclubs and so on.

Such people are very likely to be demon-possessed. There are ways in which you can know if someone is demon-possessed. However, the best way to ascertain whether someone is demon-possessed is by the gift of discerning of spirits. In any case, if you suspect that somebody is demon-possessed and you have to do anything with the fellow, then you need to cover yourself in the blood of Jesus always.

The blood of Jesus marks you as untouchable to forces of darkness. By covering yourself in the blood of Jesus, you are affirming that you belong to Him and therefore, demons should stay away from you. This can also go for your property. You can cover all your possessions with the blood of Jesus and then tell the devil not to go near them.

If for example, you have a staff who you suspect is demon-possessed and the fellow has refused to surrender his/her life to Christ, in order to ensure that demons don’t have any influence over your business, then you must always plead the blood of Jesus over it.

In Exodus 12:13, God told the Israelites: “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.”

Whatever is covered in the blood of Jesus is too hot for demons to touch. Cover everything connected to you – including your children, with the blood of Jesus. You don’t know the kind of friends they will meet and play with in school or even the kind of teacher that would be teaching them.

OPEN HEAVEN 31 OCTOBER 2022 PRAYER POINT: Prayer Points For Open Heavens 31 October 2022

I cover myself, my loved ones and all that concerns me with the blood of Jesus.

Now, here are 2 things you should do:

1. Make a decision to be a contributor to the advancement of God’s Kingdom by purchasing a hard copy version of the Open Heavens devotional. You can buy it for your friends too as a potent evangelism tool.

2. Bring someone here tomorrow. Tell them about Jesus and direct them to these generational changing messages. 

God bless you.



1. That wonderful name, Jesus
That wonderful name, Jesus
That wonderful name, Jesus
There is no other name I know

2. The Great Redeemer, Jesus
His blood washed me clean, Jesus
And now I am saved, Jesus
There is no other name I know

3. The Great Physician, Jesus
His stripes healeth me, Jesus
And now I am whole, Jesus
There is no other name I know

4. The Great Lord of hosts, Jesus
His truth sets me free, Jesus
I am free indeed, Jesus
There is no other name I know

5. The Great Provider, Jesus
He supplies my needs, Jesus
And now I am full, Jesus
There is no other name I know

6. My Great Companion, Jesus
Always by my side, Jesus
I have a sure Friend, Jesus
There is no other name I know

7. The soon-coming King, Jesus
Coming back for me, Jesus
I will reign with Him, Jesus
There is no other name I know

8. Let us praise His name, Jesus
Name above all names, Jesus
Let us shout His name, Jesus
I will sing I will shout JESUS



  1. God bless you.
    Thanks for the daily devotionals🙏.
    May the Lord continue to strengthen you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  2. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for your words this day and please, Lord God Almighty let the precious blood of Jesus Christ cover me, my wife, my children, Grandma, my entire household and all our properties and possessions and loved ones in Jesus Mighty name, amen. Thank you, Jesus Christ.

  3. Thank You Jesus for your words. I covered everything belong to me with the blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ Name Amen

  4. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life, family, business, premises and my home and everything concerning me and mine. I decree we belong to Jesus 100% therefore satan has no stake, no share and no part in our lives and properties in Jesus name. Amen 🙏

  5. My life has been transform tremendously through this daily devotional, declaration and prayers.. God bless you for helping us with this daily

  6. Dear Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus over myself, my household and everyone that will read this devotional today. Thank you Lord for it is done in Jesus mighty name, amen and amen 🙏

  7. I cover myself and Family this week with the blood of Jesus. The blood that speaks better than the blood of Abel in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼

  8. Thank you Jesus!
    I cover myself, my loved ones and all that beings to me and that concerns me with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

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