Happy New month November 2021 Praying for your beloved ones is absolutely okay, trying to get them along is the best but sending new month prayer SMS or sharing our link with them is actually the real deal!

We’ve compiled together some wonderful texts for you to make good use of them. They’re amazing and I’m you’ll like them.

This new month of  November 2021 will come with so many surprises for all of us and I strongly believe God will make new changes in our lives, scroll down, pick some text and start forwarding to your friends.

The best prayer you can get anywhere for the new month should come from your heart.

Pour out your heart to God this morning and commit the rest days of  November 2021 unto His hand.

He is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly, and more than we can ever ask. Do you believe that?

Whatever situation your country is going through at the moment, tell God. Tell Him what you need.

The problem with most of our prayers, we don’t direct them to God properly. Ask God in detail, what you need and I assure you, if you’re in a good relationship with Him, He will surely listen to you.

Sometimes, we need to check ourselves inwardly. This new month of  November 2021 will favor every one of us, in the mighty name of Jesus!

Accept Jesus As Your Personal Lord And Savior With This Simple Prayer


This month shall favor everyone as we raise our hands up for the blessing of the Lord. A happy new month to you all.

I am wishing you the most beautiful things ever on earth as we celebrate the hope of a new month.

I just want to quickly say happy new month; May you find whatever your heart desires achievable gradually.

Wishing you the most beautiful things in this new month as you aspire for the hope of God. May you be loved by everyone!

May the blessing of the Lord be blended with your success in life; I just want to make sure I say a happy new month.

May you rise above every problem that sticks to your destiny; I just want to say happy new month my friend.

You are my best friend and I love to hear that from friends. Less I forget, may this new month bring love into your home!

May the Lord bless you with endless joy on this special month; as you look up to your daily need, I pray that your hands should reach them.

I just want to wish every one of you a beautiful, cute, and awesome new month. Enjoy yourselves to the end.

Wishing you a fantastic new month that will come with the remedy to your past pain. I ask the Lord to honour you beyond imagination.

May the success that has no bound locate you this new month to fulfill your entire heart desires. Happy new month.

A happy new month to all my good friends, I appreciate you for the entire support that you rendered to me.

Wishing you all the best on this earth as we make it to this new month. Remain blessed now and for the rest of your life.

My prayer is to see every happy this new month. May your days be crowned with lots of success and prosperity!

Giving thanks to the Almighty God who spared our lives up till this moment as we celebrate the new month’s success.

We pray that this new month brings lots of success into your world, and make you one of the happiest people

Lots of success comes when we less expected them. I pray that your success will locate you this month of May suddenly.

In this beautiful new month, I am praying for lots of success in your life; may you find peace and success.

Wishing all my friends a wonderful new month. I am wishing you all the best in everything you are doing on this new month.

No matter what happens this new month, may the Lord remember you among the most blessed people ever!


Friendship is very important. No man is an island and the best way to truly live a happy life here on earth is to make friends with valuable people.

They’re your circle, they know you and respect you for the person you are.

They’re there for you when others are gone. Friends are the most beautiful gifts of life if they’re truly friends and understand the bond of friendship.

This month of December, we’ve also compiled together from different sources, beautiful texts for your friend(s).

Pick your choice below and forward it to your friends. They’ll love it.

They’ll appreciate you and value you more because you’ve shown them their place in your heart.

There is a friend that’s closer than blood, even the Bible acknowledged that.

Remember David and Jonathan in the Bible! Their friendship helped them at a point they needed it most.

Scroll down, pick the best, copy and send to your friends.

Having good and powerful friends around is actually what will keep you going, try to make them feel special today:

Copy any of the text and send it as an SMS to your loved one and share this link with any of the social media buttons below this post.

No greeting cards to give, no sweet flowers to send, no bags of rice to forward but a loving and caring heart wishing you a happy new month. This month, you will succeed where others suck seeds.

My dear! This month, You will be too loaded to be stranded. You will experience smooth acceleration even in the midst of a recession. You will overtake and take over all your possessions.

Just as the ocean is made of billions of drops, our life consists of minutes, hours, days, and months. Sometimes every single thing is necessary. Don’t neglect your time and have an incredible month!

We shall move forward this month. Happy new month!

Only one thing.

“Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention.” ~ Greg Anderson. Happy New Month dear.

As we cross over 2 a new month, May God’s power connect and Place U on ladders of Testimonies. Happy New Month!

Before the end of the first 7 days of this month,
Your Family will say we are Proud Of U,
Your Friends will say we are happy 4 U,
Your neighbors will say, Wish I were U, and Those who call themselves Enemy will say U have a living GOD. A happy new month to You!

“The subject of a new month is not that we should have a new month. It is that we should have a new soul” G. K. Chesterton. Happy New Month to You.

Forget the past and welcome the new month with whole your heart. May you have sunny days and calm nights ahead. Happy New Month.
New month – New experiences.
New day – new opportunities
make them count, because you may not get another chance!

I wish that this upcoming month brings you much joy, love, and inspirational moments in your life!

A happy new month to every single soul on my friend’s list, family member, and well-wishers, you shall find success in your life today.

Just keep saying AMEN; + Surprises +Elevation +Peace +Favour +Wealth +Success +Longlife +Joy +Promotion +Protection All & more shall be yours In Jesus Name Happy New Month.

I pray that everything you lay your hands on this month is a success as you wake up to see this new month.

I believe that this new month came with lots of success, as such pray that the ocean of its fortune floods your home.

As we enter into a new month, may you find new opportunities and fortune descending into your family affairs!

Wishing you all the best in this special month. I pray that endless success shall be yours forever. Happy new month.

I am so happy and pleased to say a very big happy new month to you all. May you find the rest of your mind from now on!

May the success that rains in love and endless passion find its way to your home now and for the rest of your life; happy new month friend.

Wishing you the most beautiful things on earth. I pray that your Lord is pleased with you in this new month and forever.

May you find peace in your life; may the Lord draw you close to Him and bless you with lots of success. Happy new month.

Wishing all my friends one of the cutest things ever. I love you all beyond imagination and say a happy new month.

Wishing you all the best in this world and I pray that your success in this world will have no bound now and forever.

May your new day be filled with lots of success and peaceful moments; I just want to say a happy new month.

This new month, I pray for your uplift and happiness. May your name be written among the most successful women on earth!

I am pleased to say a very fantastic happy new month; may you find special thongs happening in your life.

This is another great opportunity on this special day. I just want to say a happy new month to the most beautiful woman.

To my lovely friends, I am wishing you all the best now and forever. I pray that your new month be blessed with lots of success

Every Egyptian you saw in the past month, you will see no more For God shall Fight for you and you shall hold your peace, all your expectations from today shall he fulfill In Jesus Name. Happy New Month.

Unending favor, Unstoppable promotion, Divine breakthrough, Successes in all your endeavor is my wishes for you this New month.

Hey Buddy, this is the opening day of the new month. And it promises to be a new beginning for you. Take a long breath and begin to move towards your purpose. I wish you all good fortune. Happy New Month!

As we enter into the new month, these are my wishes for you; good health, long life, breakthrough, unending wealth, God’s blessings, and every good thing that you may think of acquiring.

Just as the rising sun in the morning, I decree you shall rise above your equals and none of your counterparts would be able to see your shadow.

Wishing you a fabulous new month,
a month with new experiences waiting for you.
Happy New Month.

Your life will continue to shine with light and sunshine. I just want to say a very big happy new month.

Wishing everybody an awesome day ahead as we enter into a new month with lots of love and success.

I pray for your success now and forever; wishing you the most beautiful things life can bring. Happy new month.

My prayer for you this new month is to see you excel beyond your expectation. Happy new month dearest.

A happy new month to the most handsome friend ever met. I wish you the best as we enter into a fresh month.

You are the loveliest friend I have ever met in my life and as such will always pray for your success. Happy new month.

Whatever you are aiming at in your life today shall be fulfilled for you as soon as possible. I am wishing well this new month.

As we enter this new month, my wishes are to see you smile and welcome good things into your home. Happy new month.

A happy new month to a very wonderful and cute friend of life, I am wishing you the best in this life and hereafter.

May your days be soaked in success and prosperity; may you find endless peace for the rest of your life.

I just want to shout a very big happy new month to those who mean a lot to me; may your days shine in the light of progress.

The happy new month my dear friend, I wish you lots of bounties in this newly opened blessed month.

In the new moon, lots of new things occur so I am wishing you a very fabulous new month ahead.

May you find endless peace in your life as you made it into this month! New opportunities shall open for you.

You will not find it difficult to excel in this life; as it is easy for the leaves to drop from the tree so also you will leave your problem in pieces.

As the first sunrises in this new month, may your fortunes begin to raise one after the other until you reach your goals.

You have lots of dreams to achieve; I pray that your entire dreams be achievable this month because you are special.


A happy new month to my beloved friends, I am wishing you the most beautiful moment on this earth.

May you find endless love from your spouse as this month commences. You are blessed and your marriage is blessed too.

Wishing you the most beautiful things on this earth because you are more special to me than you can ever imagine.

It is my happiness to hear that you are still alive up till this month, may you find peace in your heart forever.

Every new month comes with its own fortunes—may you have your own share too; may you excel in life.

My happiness is that you finally made it. A happy new month to my beloved friend. Thank you for everything and I wish you good luck in this month.

In this new month, I am praying that your cup of honor overflow with and harmony. Your prosperity will have no bound.

Love and awesomeness shall be yours this day as we enter a new month today. Happiness shall locate you soon.

Grow silently this month for a seed grow silently but a tree falls violently and causes destruction. Happy new month.

I want to say a very big happy new month to my wonderful friends; wishing all of you a remarkable month ahead.

A happy new month to those who really matter to me, I wish you bounties of love and admiration among you and your family.

It is my pleasure to send you a very fantastic happy new month, may you find the rest of your mind in all your endeavors.


May your days shine in the light of peace and harmony, calmness of love and passion; I just want to say a happy new month.

The happy new month my dearest friend ever. Wishing you a life well spent and a legacy well set now and forever.

May you find endless peace in your heart and your success shall have no bound now and until the end of time!

I just want to say hello to March and bye to January and welcome the entire fortunes and good-lucks that come with March 2021. Happy new month.

May the Lord of this new month benefit you with lots of great happenings that please the heart; I just want to say a happy new month.

Wishing you a day with lots of peace and an entire lifetime with lots of joy and happiness. Happy new month.

God Bless You!


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Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
5 years ago

This new month, I pray for my uplifting and happiness. May my name (AKONYE CHIDOBE KWOMARACHI- pending marital change of name) be written amongst the most successful women on earth!

Oyekanmi Tosin
Oyekanmi Tosin
5 years ago

Amen … Happy New Month and God’s blessings all the way… thank you Daddy G.O

Jacline Busingye
Jacline Busingye
5 years ago

AMEN!!! Happy new month Daddy GO and family

Kayode Tosin
Kayode Tosin
5 years ago

Happy new month to the Open Heavens team. May the good Lord continue to fill our life with His Love, Peace, Joy and May testimonies that we have never shared abound in our life in this month of our perfection in Jesus Name. Amen

Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
5 years ago
Reply to  Kayode Tosin

AMEN to this prayer!!!!!
God bless you Open Heavens Team!!!!! Happy new month!!!!!????????????????????????????????????❤️✝️????

Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
Chidobe Kwomarachi Akonye
5 years ago


Every Egyptian I saw in the past months, I will see them no more; For God shall Fight for me and I shall hold my peace, all my expectations from today shall He fulfill and exceed, In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!!!!!!!! Happy New Month!!!!!

Whatever I am aiming at in my life today (TOTAL RESERVOIR ENGINEER PORT HARCOURT NIGERIA) shall be fulfilled for me as soon as possible, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ; AMEN!!!!!!!!

Amen!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!! Thank You God!!!!!! Thank You Jesus Christ!!!!!!! Thank You Holy Spirit!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW MONTH OF JULY 2019????????????????????????????????????????????❤️✝️

Francis Ajayi
Francis Ajayi
5 years ago

Amen. In mighty name of Jesus. God almighty will sustain and empower this ministry . Wishing you HAPPY & WONDERFUL new month.

Francis Ajayi
Francis Ajayi
5 years ago

Amen. In the mighty name of Jesus. God almighty will sustain and empower this ministry . Wishing you HAPPY & WONDERFUL new month.

5 years ago

Happy new month of perfection to the RCCG Family.

This platform has been a blessing to me I appreciate and may God bless your efforts..

5 years ago

AMEN. Thanks and God bless you so richly Sir.

5 years ago

Thanks so much for this platform.God will continue to bless you all.Im really blessed and i believe God will perfect ALL works he has started in my life and home in Jesus name.Amen

5 years ago

Amen amen amen in Jesus name.
Thanks sir

Sarah Hanciles
Sarah Hanciles
5 years ago

To God Almighty be all the Glory. Thank You Lord as l Welcome October. Happy and Blessed Month Sir.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Hanciles


Mrs lasisi
Mrs lasisi
5 years ago

God I pray for long life for myself my kids and husband with sound and good health…abundance blessings should not depart from my household in jesus mighty name.Amen.

5 years ago

Amen.Happy new month to ALL.God will go before us to straightened all crooked ways in Jesus name.All God promises shall manifest in our lifes and family in Jesus name.Its well with Daddy G.O and this morning devotional Prayer teams in Jesus name.Amen.

5 years ago

Amen and Amen for the Above Prayers

5 years ago

Thanks for the above prayers

4 years ago

God bless my husband as his journey to find employment continues; to bless our life together, and our children and their Life journeys and to remove fear and doubt; to help me strengthen my commitment to God, to know that he will continue to work in our lives, for us to believe in him that he will provide Us with peace, joy and prosperity and that he will eternally protect us.

Fola Richie-Adewusi
Fola Richie-Adewusi
4 years ago

May God continue to strengthen all over the Open Heavens Team. Well done!

There is the need to edit the Prayer for July. I guess it is a case of copy and paste. Below is an example. There is still another one besides this.
Thank you.

“This new month of May 2020 will favor everyone of us, in the mighty name of Jesus!”

Adefeye omolayo
Adefeye omolayo
4 years ago

Amen In Jesus name
My case is settled in Jesus name

Tessy T
Tessy T
4 years ago

Amen. God’s blessings and peace are my wishes to everyone on this platform and the amazing team working daily to bring this to us this new month and beyond.

Taiwo Temitayo
Taiwo Temitayo
4 years ago

Amen and Happy New month to Daddy & mummy GO and also to everyone!!!!

4 years ago

It’s September! your month of prompt delivery of blessings and favour. Thank you so much for being there always OPEN HEAVENS TEAM. You’re appreciated. God bless you.

Banjo Rachel
Banjo Rachel
4 years ago

Open Heaven Team you are the best. May God continue to bless and keep you always. May He grant you more wisdom and knowledge, heaven at last.

Tessy T
Tessy T
4 years ago

Amen. Happy New Month!

4 years ago

Amen and amen in Jesus name🙏.
Happy new Month. May God bless us all

4 years ago
Reply to  Oluwayemisi


Romuluyi, Omotunde. Ajoke
Romuluyi, Omotunde. Ajoke
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I say a very BIG AMEM in Jesus Mighty Name to All the Prayers And Wishes .I and my Family Friends And Lovr Ones shall Testify to All the Prayer Points in Jesus Name Fire Amen Amen Amen.
Glory Honoir And Adoration to the King of Kings.

Tessy T
Tessy T
4 years ago

Amen. Happy new month to the Open Heavens Family, Daddy GO and the online team. God will enlarge your coast this month with double blessings and anointing.

Sarah Hanciles
Sarah Hanciles
4 years ago

A Happy and Blessed New Month to Daddy and Mummy G.O., More Grace and More Anointing always, ln Jesus Mighty and Powerful Name. Amen

Ojerinde Olasunmbo
Ojerinde Olasunmbo
4 years ago

Thank you Jesus for your mercy grace all around me and my family may your name be Praise amen. Happy New month to everyone in the house Halleluya 🙌

Ngozi Udoma
Ngozi Udoma
4 years ago

This month every thing i have written as prayer request be fulfilled in Jesus name Amen

4 years ago
Reply to  Ngozi Udoma

Happy birthday daddy….I pray for God mercy n his healing upon my life….

Bobadoye Christiana
Bobadoye Christiana
3 years ago

amen in Jesus Name
Happy New Month to all the Open Heaven Team. I pray for more anointing and Grace from the Throne of Mercy in Jesus Name Amen.

Chisom Mba
Chisom Mba
3 years ago

Happy New month daddy G.O and family….
Happy new month rccgonline team….
Happy new month everyone…
God is faithful

Romuluyi, Omotunde. Ajoke
Romuluyi, Omotunde. Ajoke
3 years ago

I say a very BIG AMEM in Jesus Mighty Name to All the Prayers And Wishes .I and my Family Friends And Lovr Ones shall Testify to All the Prayer Points in Jesus Name Fire Amen Amen Amen.
Glory Honoir And Adoration to the King of Kings.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Happy New month daddy,…happy New month everyone…
May the face of God and his mighty power shine upon i and my family this month.

3 years ago

May the ALMIGHTY GOD BLESS Daddy G.O.and all the O.H Team in the Name of Jesus. AMEN!!!

Ayo Woĺu
Ayo Woĺu
3 years ago

Amen Thank you for words for the month, may we continue to submit to our Lord Jesus and dwell in his bosom always in Jesus mighty name Amen

Grace Dahunsi
Grace Dahunsi
3 years ago

A thunderous amen.

Blessing Emegha
Blessing Emegha
3 years ago


Udo Aniedi
Udo Aniedi
3 years ago

Happy New month of September to open Heaven devotional team. God bless you all.

Tolulope Odunewu
Tolulope Odunewu
3 years ago
Reply to  Udo Aniedi

Happy New Month to u all. May God continue to shower is blessing on us IJN. Amen

Imisioluwa Makinde
Imisioluwa Makinde
3 years ago

God bless all on the rccg members working on this platform.Your joy will know no bounds in Jesus Name. Amen.

3 years ago

Happy new month
I enjoy your page

Blessing Emegha
Blessing Emegha
3 years ago


3 years ago

I just want to be receiving a new month wishes

Prince Obodo Hamza
Prince Obodo Hamza
3 years ago


Nwakanma Prince K.C
Nwakanma Prince K.C
3 years ago

God bless you

Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
3 years ago


Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
3 years ago

Amen. may I and family be a partaker of the goodness of God in this season and beyond in Jesus name.

Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
Emmanuella Oseghale-Ilenikhena
3 years ago

May I and family be a recipient of the goodness of God in Jesus name

Oluwakemi Onobiyi
Oluwakemi Onobiyi
3 years ago

A resounding Amen to all the prophetic prayers and new month greetings. May God be with the online crew and increase you all in all ramifications of life in Jesus name. Happy New Month to team.

Emmanuel Assan-Baffoe
Emmanuel Assan-Baffoe
3 years ago

Halleluuuujah. God bless you ALL

Adeoluwa Adegbehingbe Oluwatosin
Adeoluwa Adegbehingbe Oluwatosin
3 years ago

In this new month, I am praying that your cup of honor overflow with and harmony. Your prosperity will have no bound and great things from God shall locate you all. Favour Of God, Happiness, Success, Long Life, More Money…