DAY 18 SUNDAY 28th Jan 2018 Rccg Fasting- Pray for the Ministers

DAY 18 SUNDAY 28th January 2018 Rccg Fasting – Pray for the Ministers

Open Heaven 28 January 2018

 Intense praise and worship

 Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

•Pray for the workforce for the programs home and abroad
– Clarity of vision. Hab. 2:1-2
– Strength. 2 Chron. 15:7
– Unity of heart and purpose. 1 Cor. 1:10, Ps. 133

•Thank God for ministers God has been using mightily during the past

•Pray that God will equip them afresh this year for all programs . 2 Chr 27:6

– They will be filled with the Holy Ghost and power. Acts 10:38, Sam. 23:2

– Pray for utterance, to minister the word in season. Eph. 6:19, Is. 50:4, 2

Pray for the word of God as they minister to be backed with power to save,  heal and deliver. Lk. 5:17, 1 Cor. 2:4-5, 1 Cor. 4:20

– The word will prevail in every life, case and the land. Acts 19:20

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7 years ago

God bless you for this daily ministration of the word of God. May He continue to strengthen Daddy GO and the people of God that assists him to perfect the will of God in the lives of His people. Please can you post today’s open heavens devotional prayer points not the praying and fasting prayers. Thank you.