Beloved, kindly share these life-changing messages, prayers, and declarations with the precious people around you. 

Daily Confession: I confess Today and everyday that I am empowered to overcome challenges, growing in grace, sharing His love passionately, and experiencing divine favor as I diligently seek Him, in the matchless name of Jesus. Somebody shout Hallelujah!

Open Heaven 13 November 2023

Open Heaven 14 November 2023


Let’s Declare in Jesus’ name!

I decree and declare that the favor of the Lord will rest upon me in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that my going out and coming in is preserved by God in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I bear the mark of the Lord upon me therefore no man troubles me in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I wait upon the Lord, I seek His face and know His perfect will in Jesus name

I decree and declare that I do not settle for the permissive will of God. I surrender and give myself fully to the perfect will of God in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that God strengthens and quickens my mortal body in Jesus name

I decree and declare that I learn to keep quiet. My mouth will not be my destruction, neither will my lips be the snare of my soul in the name of Jesus.

I decree and declare that I live according to God’s will and precepts. I live a fruitful Christian life worthy of emulation in Jesus name.

I decree that today I will be supernaturally propelled by God’s grace to walk in personal victory, prosper in my relationships, and impact the world mightily for Him in Jesus name

I decree and declare that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me in Jesus name.

I decree and declare that I let the peace of Christ rule in my heart in Jesus name.

I declare as I seek God diligently, He will reward me openly, and blessings will overflow in abundance, in Jesus’ name

I decree and declare an increased hunger and thirst for the word and presence of God, that I may be continually filled and refreshed by His living waters, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that God, in His infinite mercy, reveals more of His character, wisdom, and love to me, deepening my understanding and connection with Him, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree and declare that me and my household are saved by the blood of the lamb and by the words of our testimony, in Jesus’ name

I decree and declare that no weapon fashioned against me shall proper, in the mighty name of Jesus

Thank You, Father, for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye, and his household, and how You keep using him worldwide.

I decree and declare heaven responds to these prayers and declarations as I say them and I receive answers in Jesus’ name.

Thank You, Lord, for everyone in this community (RCCGONLINE.ORG). 

Thank You Holy Spirit for all the testimonies and miracles coming through these declarations. May they be permanent in Jesus’ name.

Father, let everybody joining in to say these declarations all over the world experience great miracles throughout this month. May we have numerous testimonies in Jesus’ name.

Somebody shout Hallelujah!

See you tomorrow!


Note: These prayers are spiritual and can only be understood and fully enjoyed by God’s children. If you want to be blessed by these prayers, you must first, surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, by saying this prayer:

To fully benefit from these prayers, you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Lord Jesus, I come before You today with a broken and contrite heart full of repentance. Please, forgive me for all my sins. Today, I surrender my life to You, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I confess it with my mouth. Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN!

If you participated in that 👆 life-changing prayer! Please contact us at [email protected] today.

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Olalekan Boladale
Olalekan Boladale
10 months ago

Amen in Jesus name

10 months ago

Amen in the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus Christ. Lord I thank you for answered Prayers to this Declarations in Jesus Matchless Name.

Akeredolu Festus Temotope
Akeredolu Festus Temotope
10 months ago

Amen and amen to all these prophetic declarations in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord God Almighty for answered prayers and declarations in Jesus Mighty Name, amen.

10 months ago

Amen in Jesus precious name

10 months ago

Hallelujah!!!! Amen!!! In Jesus Mighty Name 🙏

Julian joy
Julian joy
10 months ago

Amennnnn halleluyah

10 months ago

Hallelujah! Amen!

Mopelola Adeogun
Mopelola Adeogun
10 months ago

Amennnnnn to all these powerful declarations in Jesus mighty Name,Amenn.

Mopelola Adeogun
Mopelola Adeogun
10 months ago

Thank You Lord, my Father, for loving KINDNESS and TENDER mercy upon me and my children’s families friends and loved ones, l did not take it for granted, Father; thank you so much for all you have done for us and for the grace to count us among the blessed one’s, and for the special gifts of lives for me and my children, families and friends loved one’s. Church members neighbor and community. You are the lifter up of mine head. My shield and my glory. O Lord, my Father, please , give me the grace to spend more time… Read more »

10 months ago

Hallelujah!!! Amen 🙏

10 months ago

Amen in Jesus Name. Hallelujah

10 months ago

Amen in Jesus precious name

10 months ago

Amen in Jesus precious name