Rccg Fasting Prayer Points 24 January 2019 – Pastors And Ministers
1. Pray that all our Pastors and Ministers will have a servant’s as Jesus Phil 2:5
2. Pray that God will keep them from losing heart when ministry gets tough.
3. Pray that they will be faithful with the things that have been entrusted to upon them.
4. Father! Teach them Your ways so that they will knows You and finds favor with You.
5.Father; Keep them open and honest before You and help them to represent the truth
plainly. (2 Cor. 4:1; 1 Cor. 4:1-3; Ex. 33:13). Read – Prayer Points For Today’s Open Heavens 24 January 2019
6. Keep them from indulgence and greed.
7. Help them keep hold of truth with a clear conscience .
8. Bless their households with peace and respect.
9. Fill them with Your Spirit and let them operate in wisdom as they carry out their
responsibilities. (1 Tim. 3:8-9, 12; Acts 6:3)
10. Pray for your Pastors and other leaders that God will reverse every irreversible in their lives.