In these series of articles about fasting, we have covered topics like what is fasting?, benefits of fasting, and the ways to maximize fasting. We still have more enlightening and edifying articles for you relating to the subject of fasting and other subjects.

Today, we are going to be looking at what fasting is not.

Many people know what fasting is or they have an idea what it means but do they know what fast is NOT?

There are some misconceptions and wrong ideas about fasting and we will be debunking them today to help you understand fasting better and do it the right way.

What A Spiritual Fast Is Not?

1. A Spiritual fast is not a diet

If you fast for a long period of time and commit to it, you are likely going to lose some weight and get other health benefits.

While fasting has health benefits and helps people curtail their appetite for food, that is not the essence of a spiritual fast.

It is important that your focus remains on God and taking out distractions as you commune with Him.

It is not wrong to fast solely for the purpose of losing weight but if it is a spiritual fast, do not focus on the health benefits above the spiritual benefits.

2. A Spiritual fast is not a show off

Jesus Christ taught that when we fast we must be careful not to do it for the sake of accolades or to get pity from people (Matthew 6:16).

A fast is not a time a show how righteous or spiritual you are.

Your fasting makes you more disciplined spiritually but it does not make you more righteous. Jesus Christ already did that.

Let your fasting be void of the urge to show your righteousness or strength.

3. A spiritual fast is not a tool to force God

Many people engage in fasting and prayer with the wrong mindsets.

They think it is a way to twist God’s arm and force Him to work.

One thing you must understand is that fasting changes situations and changes you but it does not change God.

Your fast can grant you more power to pray and weild your authority over situations and systems but it does not cajole or force God.

Thinking fasting can force God to work will leave you frustrated.

4. It is not a hunger strike.

A hunger strike is when a person stays away from food for extended periods of time for whatever reason but pays no attention to God.

When you decide to go on a fast or join the church’s fast, and you refrain from food and go about your day normally but do not study the Bible or pray, you are on a hunger strike.

A fast is a time to pray, study the bible and seek the face of the Lord.

When a fast does not involves intentional elements of devotion to God such as times of prayers and time spent in the Word of God, it is a hunger strike.

Fasting to seek God’s face does a lot to us. It helps us rid ourselves of noise and distractions, and helps our spirit grow above our flesh.

This is why it is important to do it right.

When we fast rightly, above material blessings, God is our reward and we let Him move in our lives.

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2 years ago

Lord help us in seeking your face and help us grow in spirit above our flesh in Jesus Mighty and Powerful Name AMEN.